Help needed with Digitone + MPC One

I am pretty new to the synth world. I have an MPC One and a Digitone and I have hooked them up via midi with the MPC One being the primary controller. My help needed is the midi channel no matter which one I select will only play my track one on the digitone. I was hoping to sequence more instruments at once?

Definitely a noob so any help I can get would appreciate. Just looking to trigger the digitone sounds from my mpc (and soon to get polyend tracker!!)

Welcome to the forum!

What MIDI channel numbers have you set for the Digitone’s TRACK CHANNELS in its SETTINGS > MIDI CONFIG > CHANNELS menu?

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probably a midi channel setting

They are listed as 5,6,7,8 for the midi channels

Like the channel setting is what I think you are talking about

Thanks for the welcome longtime lurker love this forum it’s freakin awesome to just read all random things.

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I was asking what channel numbers you have set for the top four entries in the SETTINGS > MIDI CONFIG > CHANNELS menu:


not what you have set for MIDI 1 CHANNEL, MIDI 2 CHANNEL, etc.

Can you confirm?

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Hello I just have it on the default settings so track 1 channel 1 for the track channels and the midi 4 through 8

So then on the MPC One you just need to ensure that you are sending MIDI Note messages on those channel numbers (1 to 4).

Yeah I think that’s where the disconnect is and I’ll have to do some research.

On the mpc one I have tracks one through four created with program 1 through 4 toggled on each channel. Midi port is set to MPC and every single track only plays track one on the digitone

Okay I am a dummy I actually found a video how to do this you have to the track config page and set the outputs separately. Sorry!!! Sweet I can’t wait to do some cool stuff


Hey there, same setup plus a Keystep 37 by Arturia.
Messed with it last night and got a few steps closer to my own goals.
I used a mix of resources, MPC Bible is one of them (in the Appendix on external synth setup and thereafter).

Everything on mine is attempted via USB Hu,b so MIDI over USB, (USB selected for inputs, but in case of true MIDI it’d be MIDI only) but same settings most for true MIDI just about.



  • MIDI Config > SYNC > Clock RCV (Checked) - [this part I couldn’t get to work no matter what even with MPC Clock Out selecting the DN…need to review and troubleshoot]
    • MIDI Config > SYNC > Clock SND (Unchecked)
    • MIDI Config > SYNC > Transport RCV (Checked)
    • MIDI Config > SYNC > Transport SND (Unchecked)
      [hindsight, prob should try this Checked next…for my issue above and others…]
    • MIDI Config > SYNC > Prog CH RCV (Checked)
    • MIDI Config > SYNC > Prog CH SND (Unchecked)
      [hindsight, prob should try this Checked next…for my issue above and others…]


  • MIDI Config > Port Config > Turbo Speed (Unchecked)
    • MIDI Config > Port Config > OUT PORT FUNC > USB selected
    • MIDI Config > Port Config > THRU PORT FUNC > USB selected
    • MIDI Config > Port Config > INPUT FROM > USB (to control with Keystep or MPC) [you’d choose MIDI if using true MIDI]
    • MIDI Config > Port Config > OUTPUT TO > USB (to record MIDI tracks to MPC or DAW., accidentally got it to work once, then it stopped, may have changed something and need to review)
    • MIDI Config > Port Config > OUTPUT CH > AUTO
    • MIDI Config > Port Config > PARAM OUTPUT > left alone
    • MIDI Config > Port Config > ENCODER DEST > INT + EXT (to control with DN/Keystep/MPC)
    • MIDI Config > Port Config > TRIG KEY DEST > INT + EXT (to control with DN/Keystep/MPC)
    • MIDI Config > Port Config > MUTE DEST > INT + EXT (to control with DN/Keystep/MPC)
    • MIDI Config > Port Config > RECIEVE NOTES > Checked
    • MIDI Config > Port Config > RECEIVE CC/NRPN > left alone


  • MIDI Config > Channels > TRACK 1-4 CHANNEL
    • MIDI 1 CHANNEL 5
    • MIDI 2 CHANNEL 6
    • MIDI 3 CHANNEL 7
    • MIDI 4 CHANNEL 8
      (Haven’t yet found a use for these, researching it still on list)
    • FX CHANNEL default…forgot what is off top of my head
    • AUTO CHANNEL > 10 (default)
    • MULTI MAP CH > default…will play with this stuff later on, more advanced

Back up to settings and go to AUDIO ROUTING (Global)

  • ROUTE TO MAIN > 7/7
  • SEND TO FX > 6/6
  • USB TO MAIN > +6dB (just had it halfway because not sure what effect would be…so far didn’t detect any change when changing this)

Back up to settings, check out SYSTEM

  • USB CONFIG > OVERBRIDGE (I wasn’t using it, so had Unchecked, but if you have it checked while not using it, it can bork things)
  • USB MIDI > Checked
  • USB AUDIO/MIDI > Checked

Should be good to go for most purposes, but also make sure you:

  • AUDIO OUT from DN to AUDIO IN on MPC (setup MPC Audio track to Monitor MERGE)

…SO now we come to MPC…hold onto your horses…
** I used the MPC Bible, Page 740-747 or so.
** Be sure using USB A to go to USB Hub if doing USB MIDI, USB B is mainly for direct-to-PC/DAW stuff



    • Digitone should show up, highlight Track
      • my Keystep shows up as well, separate topic, works okish but needs more config to have it just so for me

    • Digitone def should be here, select Track so you can control with MPC if you like


  • For this I used Track 1 for MIDI, set MIDI Input CH to 1, and set so Input comes from DN only.

    • Also rename track to DN Track 1 for ease of reference.
  • Same for Track 2 - MIDI, set MIDI CH to 2, and set so Input comes from DN only.

    • Make sure do same for 3 and 4, all should have the SEND TO field left to this is for layering MIDI tracks together (sending one track to another, don’t do it just yet, learn more first).


  • Since you should have routed the Audio from DN to MPC by now, setup the Audio track next to receive the actual sounds and be (supposedly) recordable MPC side. Monitor set to AUTO

  • I have both L/R routed over into MPC, but for ease let’s say you just have it into Input 1 (or R whatever):

  • MAIN > AUDIO tab > select blank audio track > INPUT CONFIG > Choose Input 1 (where you plugged in, in my case it is Input 1/2). Set MONITOR to IN [this is a VERY important step btw]

  • Use “TRACK EDIT” view (looks like a sideway bar chart icon on the left hand strip) to review all track settings real quick.

If you don’t select each Track to ONLY Accept input from the DN + CH you have assigned your tracks to, it will play all sounds on each track when you hit a button/pad/key.

Anyways my setup is still coming together and I haven’t tried all the things yet - sucks because I haven’t actually made any good music in a while because of trying to figure this all out…had mixed results, got things right a couple times by accident…so me writing this out here is helpful to me as well for future reference.

Also am thinking of getting a freaking mixer at this point. Cheers and good luck.

Are you enabling them?

When you select the channel you gotta click down on the knob for it to be enabled. The highlite will turn off.

(It’s been a while since I used a D, but I believe that is correct a la OT)

Which video? I might need to view that one, VariousFailures