Help please: can't get Overbridge and audio "aggregate device to work

My DAW IS Bitwig 1.3 and can’t get it to work with the “aggregate device” I setup. I’m on a Mac and Bitwig’s audio engine crashes when loading a new project. When I change it back to audio interface only, it works fine. I think I configured aggregate device correctly. I’m using a MOTU interface which has always been solid. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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As you can see, Overbridge control panel is receiving signals from the AK and RYTM, but the audio engine crashes when I engage the aggregate device. What could I be doing wrong?

Have you tried 48kHz? This is the native sample rate of the Overbridge devices.


Also, I always check the “drift correction” box for all devices that aren’t the master clock, I’d try checking it for the Elektrons and leaving the motu as clock source…


You might want to have the output device set to the aggregate as well, instead of the motu.


Thanks so much! It worked even with my old 2009 iMac!! The CPU meter is surprisingly low for 24 bit audio rate. I haven’t yet gotten the Heat to work with the setup yet though, but I hear the Heat has some issues with Overbridge.


If you’re using Overbridge plug-in, then the Elektron unit’s audio doesn’t need adding to the aggregate device.

You only really need to add it to the aggregate, if you’re going to treat the Elektron unit as standalone, without the Overbridge plugin.