Help programming LFO with ARP

I’m trying and failing to get the LFO to ramp up the AMP volume from 0 to 128 over 8 steps.

If I program the same thing but with a single long tone, then it works correctly, so there’s something with the ARP that I’m missing. I do understand that the arp counts each ARP step as a trigger, even if you only have one trigger activated on the grid.

Here’s how I programmed it:

I have an 8 step ARP, and it starts on trig 9 (and therefore plays on steps 9-16 even though only trig 9 is lit). TRIG LEN is 1/2 and the arp plays properly over 8 steps with the trig activated on the first step if I don’t activate the LFO.

For the LFO I have it set to:

SPD: -64 (so it ramps up vs down)
DEP: 128

LFO.T is p-locked to ON for step 9 but OFF for the track (so it doesn’t reset the LFO on every step of the arp)

the result is just silence

I’ve tried various other things, but I either get max volume on all steps or silence

what am I doing wrong?

(BONUS POINTS: what I actually want to do is have the pattern ramp up from 0-128 on steps 10-16 with the arp startin on step 9 - but I can probably figure that out on my own once I can figure out what I’m doing wrong with the more simple scenario above)

hello! i dont have the exact numbers with me right now but the key to consistent volume risers are:

  • poly+mono lfo (sound settings) - p.s. im not sure this one is necessary, gotta try out again myself.
  • trigless lock on the first step of the pattern to “re-set” the lfo cycle (TRG mode)
  • on the next trig place arp, and have it in FRE running lfo mode, as sound setting, not a lock (and time shift it all the way to the left, to make it start as if its placed on the first trig)

these ingredients should give you the basis, and u just figure out time values from there.
it would also work the same way on step 9, or any others. (though if you want to use this arp without a riser in the same pattern, you might need to have two sounds saved with different lfo settings)

i also prefer to use ramp shape because its easier to set it up, cause it starts at the default value of the sound. Saw shape on the other hand, starts at a negative value. (middle dotted line represents value that a sound has by default)

if that doesnt work ill get back to you later, after i muscle memory it out on the machine :content:


I haven’t tried this technique, but can’t you use the phase offset to start the saw at zero? Ramp set to half is probably more sensible though.

i tried it out on latest firmware, got very confused and need help too now :drunk:

im certain that locking lfo mode to TRG for one step, would reset its cycle, but now it apparently does nothing? Regardless of where i put it, locking lfo mode does nothing now, so its impossible to make a repeatable pattern that sounds the same every time you press play.

its a well known trick that i learnt here, and was using it before quite a bit.
can someone please check if its just me or its broken in the current firmware?

hey - i’m not sure what you mean, the ramp already starts at zero - if you use negative values for speed or depth it becomes a reverse saw wave

like i said in the original post, this works great if I’m working with one long tone, but with the arp it’s just not working

i just got in and haven’t tried your trick yet, but if you’re using lock/yellow trigs, then hold the trig to make sure that LFO.T is on in the TRIG menu. by default it’s off for some reason. therefore it will ignore all the trigs. i’m guessing that’s your problem

and for your solution - whether it works or not, why would my method not work? like if i can get it to work your way, that’s great, but theoretically it should also work my way, no?

Hm, i tried it your way and it doesn’t work either - and the LFO.T is on - maybe it’s just on syntakt that it goes off automatically on yellow trigs

because each voice has its own lfo, and digitone has true polyphony.

setting mode to ONCE means that each time a voice is triggered, shape will start from the beginning, thats why you heard silence. since AMP volume was at 0, and each time it restart during each note of arp, it would just re-set to value close to 0.

AKA lfo doesnt extend over notes unless it is free running.
setting it to TRG is same effect as with ONCE, but it continues going.

sorry i couldnt help with the solution… something doesnt add up :meh: it used to work.

ooh i see, i ONE is like an envelope - but in that case, should turning off LFO.T by default and only turning it on on the lit trigs work? (but it doesn’t…)

or wouldn’t it work to have it run free by default, but then have it on trig or one on the first step?

ok, now i understand your method - i’ll try your way again, but with LFO.T turned off by default

and at worst, i’ll get rid of the arp and program each note of the arp in for that section

speaking of which, there seems to be no ARP gate control? is there a way of changing the length of each arp note?

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awesome! let me know how it goes!
arp gate is the LEN parameter in arp menu screen.

and OH MY GOD i forgot LFO.T exists, that changes a lot!! Ill try again tomorrow :+1:

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Not each one separately, but the LEN control (top right, not encoder F arp length control) changes this. I wonder if you could get the result you’re looking for by turning that control up to maximum and enabling legato? I can’t remember if legato retriggers the LFO…

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Maybe use yellow trigs for the volume on each of the 8 steps instead of an lfo

Not as smooth or flexible technically or audio wise but simpler to achieve .

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TRG only works on red trigs, not yellow lock trigs. You’ll have to add a red trig on step 1 and plock its LFO to TRG and its Amp to 0 to silence it. And then you might also have to set the LFO’s DEP to 0 too, because those ‘silent’ 8 steps before step 9 might still audibly click.

If Elektron added a tempo-phase locking LFO mode, we’d be free of these tedious workarounds…

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after combining @johnnyhaggis idea and @garf knowledge, i revised the method i was using before and come up with this: ARPRISER.dnprj (2.9 KB)

hope that helps!! :content:
you infact can use single cycle and half cycle to cover multiple notes, if you disable LFO.T for track sound, and only use it to lock a silent trig in the beginning that acts as a re-set and has it enabled.

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zoops - missed that somehow, i think i searched for “gate” in the manual and got no results…

legato does indeed turn off the LFO retrigger, but i don’t want legato in this section

thanks yes, that should work - i’ll try that out, or else program all the arp notes as trigs - but i still have to wonder why my method isn’t working once i’ve turned off the LFO.T by default

cool i’ll load this and see what you did - seems like a few people have some decent workaround, but i still don’t understand why my method isn’t working once i’ve turned off LFO.T by default, and only have it on for the first step

ooh that’s good to know about TRG mode not working on lock trigs - but im not sure what you mean about tempo phase locking LFO - can you explain that further?

the way I programmed it, the saw wave LFO would ramp up for one cycle over 8 steps starting on the first trig - i think with a bit of annoying math you can usually make the phase sync to whatever trig length you want, no?

id love to see a single trig method for this setup. please share if you find a different way! :white_heart:
oh forgot to mention, pattern is a bit fussy and works correctly only at first playthrough or if you double tap pause to reset everything.

i guess because first step settings apply to all arp notes that are related to this trig. so same as before applies, it acts as a restarting envelope each time arp note is played.

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ah yes, that would totally explain it, makes sense - and yes i’ll definitely post any solution i find if i do figure out a way to do it (without programming the arp as separate trigs, or ramping up the volume manually on each step which someone suggested which seems like a good workaround)

Clunky wording by me earlier :slight_smile: All I meant was that other hw and sw devices can have their LFOs always start (from the LFO’s phase offset) when pressing play. No need for all this locking the first step stuff. It’s a long wished for addition and its absence is especially felt when using with the DN arp or the DT’s retrigs.