Help putting my sounds where I want them

I recorded a sample into digitakt and than with that loaded to a track, I made a bunch of different slices of that sample, standard stuff. I saved those slices using the export menu to drive A initially.
Where I’m getting incredibly confused is as to how I can than move those sounds into the available 127 slots of my active project (which if I’m not totally lost is the Sound Pool).
I can find those sounds in the A drive when using the sound browser, which only allows you to load a sound to an active track. I guess where I’m lost is I don’t know how to find these saved sounds in the main samples menu, which seemingly is the only place you can “load to project”? Which seemingly is the only way to actually put sounds into the 127 active slots?
When I access the manage sounds menu under import/export, there again are my sounds easily found in the A drive but when I select them all and copy to and than sound pool……they go nowhere apparently?
What am I doing wrong here?!

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You’re confusing sounds with samples. In terminology and how they work in DT they are not the same. A sound is a combination of a sample plus all parameter settings. A sample is a sample file. So you don’t load sounds into your your sample pool (the 127 slots found on the SRC page.

The sound pool is a different thing. You can use it to lock sounds onto trigs aka sound locks.

To load a sound into the soundpool go to the import/export sound and choose’manage sounds’ and highlight the sound you want to copy to the sound pool. Press right arrow. Choose copy to and then sound pool. Done.

It will copy that sound into the first free soundpool slot and import the sample associated with it I to the first free samplepool slot (if it’s not already present in the project).

The manual explains clearly the difference between a sound and a sample at the very beginning of it :wink:

Hope this helps. Cheers


I feel you… even after being a long time DT user the workflow seems a little bit hidden behind menus (and not being used as often as I wanted to).

But you will get the hang of it with a bit of practice / learning.

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Is there just no way to sound lock samples than?

You can lock just samples on the SRC page in the sample slot menu. It is ridiculously confusion, sometimes.

Level knob = sound locks
SRC page and knob D = sample locks


What slicetwo says. You can lock any parameter to a sequencer step, so you can lock different samples per step on one track by locking the SMPL parameter to a specific value on different steps. We call these ‘samplelocks’.

Soundlocks are something different. As I explained above, a sound is not the same as a sample. A sound contains a sample plus all settings on the parameter pages (SRC FLTR AMP LFO). As slicetwo explains sound locks are done by holding a sequencer step (a trig) when in grid recording mode and moving the LEVEL knob.


I appreciate everyone’s help so far. I’m still confused on a couple of things. Firstly, when I recorded my sample it loaded it into the sound pool. Is that because it saved it as a sound and not a sample? Is there a way to save my sliced edits of that sample as sounds and NOT samples?

When you record a sample it doesn’t save it i to the sound pool. When you save it, it is saved on the +drive where all your samples are in a map called ‘recorded’. It will then ask you if you want to assign the recording to a track. If you choose yes the recording (the SAMPLE) will be added to the sample pool on the SRC page and the track you assigned it to will use that sample slot.

I think you are confusing the soundpool with the +Drive and its samples. The soundpool is a separate list of 127 slots within the project which you can see when entering a trig in the sequencer, holding it and turning the level knob. I explain above how you can get SOUNDS from your sound browser into the sound pool.

When you record a sample this is not a sound. It’s a sample :slight_smile: sounds are a separate thing.

You can’t really slice on DT no. You can set the starting point to something different on the src page and then export the track’s SOUND to your sound browser. Rinse repeat for each “slice”. You could then import those sounds into the sound pool. You can also export a track’s sound directly into the soundpool. But I suggest to read the manual on this subject as it will clear things up quite a bit.

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Same but different words:

Sample=raw audio data: just a waveform
Sound=link to raw audio data combined with user playback settings and a user defined name.
Both can be saved on +drive (the basement of the DT)
Once in a project you can import a raw sample and make edits and leave it just as is for that project or export that particular combi of settings as a sound to import in future projects. A bunch of sounds can however also be used and imported in the project related soundpool.

So to sample a wave and save and recall different slices is quite a hassle, almost easier to p lock start and end points depending on your prefered workflow.

I’ve read these sections in the manual and definitely tried googling and some YouTubing before seeking assistance here amongst this friendly community. Sometimes it’s nice to interact with other assumed humans, no? Again I appreciate your help and patience.
This response has raised some more questions, just based off of my personal experience already with this puzzle. I understand

You said;

and I’m confused because when I recorded the sample last night, yes it was there on the SRC page, ready for tune adjustments, start/stop point editing, etc, but I assure you, it also automatically placed that original recording into the first available of the 127 slots of the sample pool, accessible like you mentioned by holding down the trig and using knob D.
I also understand the Digitakt doesn’t have a feature called “slicing” like a lot of other popular samplers, but to my knowledge slicing is still generally accepted terminology when one is referring to cutting up a sample right? That’s all I meant. I also need further clarification if possible with another thing. You also said;

I’m still confused because when I was cutting up that sample last night and exporting the 5-6 edits that I made and than saving them to drive A, there than doesn’t appear to be a way to get those into the sound pool for the active track. When I select those and copy to sound pool, they than don’t appear in the sound pool.

that’s me in the sample pool, the highlighted sample is the original full sample I recorded that was automatically put there.

Here’s me in the sample menu, where you can see the sample is assigned to track 9. Pretty simple so far. Here’s where I start to get confused still and please bear with me here;

This is me in the manage sounds menu, A075-A080 are the edits of my sample I saved. Two questions here. Are these now saved as samples or sounds? Also, would this be considered the +Drive (a-h, something like 2048 sounds?)

Same manage sounds menu, with all my edits selected, copy to……sound pool. Confirmation of 6 sounds copied, and than…

Nothing appearing in the available sound pool slots?

Thank you! This is mind expanding knowledge. Being relatively new to DT obviously, I am still underestimating at times the potential of the plocking. My brain still doesn’t automatically jump to “hey you can edit like all one billion parameters of a sound on Elektron sequencers”. I am excited to try out this method as well.

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That last picture: thats the samplepool. Place a trig on any track and while holding that trig or repressing and holding an already placed trig and holding, push the data encoder to enter the soundpool an turn the data knob to select the sound you need on that trig. The samples pop up under scr page. The soundpool sounds are trig depending and pop up pressing data encoder. Once you understand the structure it makes sense.

That is correct. Earlier you stated it was added to the soundpool, which is not the same thing as the sample pool. Hense my response :wink:

It is assigned to samplepool slot number 9, not track 9. (there’s no track 9 :wink: )

You don’t edit the sample, you changed the settings of the sound. What you are looking at here are sounds. A sound contains a sample. In this case the original recorded sample. To be specific, it contains information of the original sample and knows where to find it. If you would import that sound into an empty project, it will then automatically add the original recorded sample into that new project (in the SAMPLEpool) and use the paramater settings you set to create that sound. :slight_smile:

Yes this is also the +drive. The +drive contains all sounds, and all samples.

You keep confusing the sample pool with the soundpool. These are not the same thing. What you show in the last screenshot is the SAMPLEpool. :slight_smile: No worries, this is confusing for a lot of people. It’s one of the the things I want to address in a future video.

Go into Grid recording mode, hold a trig and turn the LEVEL encoder on the left of the screen. That is the soundpool.

yeah you can lock any parameter into the sequencer :). You could change sample slot per step within 1 track for instance. Lock sample start and length, tune etc. That’s what makes the sequencer so powerful. Still useful to know what allt his terminology is and the difference between samplepool and soundpool though :wink:

Also setting the track sound with FUNC + Trackvolume is an important shortcut imho


That’s what I meant. Thanks!

Alright, this finally clicked. Thanks everyone for the help. I see where I was confusing the sample pool/sound pool. What I wasn’t really understanding initially was that you could lock sounds while holding trigs with the level encoder, I was thinking you could only swap out the stuff in the sample pool from the SRC page while holding down trigs, and mistakenly thinking that was the sound pool.

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Basically the Sound pool allows you to use Sounds( raw Sample+parameter locks) on individual trigs without effecting the track parameters or the track parameters effecting the inserted Sound. When locking a Sample from the project ram to a step it will take on the parameters of the Audio track.