HELP! Studio One 5 x Overbridge x AH MKII

Hi everyone,
Yesterday I finally got my Analog Heat MKII. I connected it via usb to my macbook, installed Overbridge but couldn’t make it work in Studio One 5.
Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong?

Can you give more detail? How have you set it up in SO5? What error msgs are you getting (if any)? How is it not working?

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Thank you very much for replying. I’ve attached a screenshot of what I see in case it may help. Overbridge loads correctly (in this case on the master buss), it can also find and pair the Analog Heat. The problem is that I have no signal passing through. I can hear the unprocessed sound and it’s like Overbridge is bypassed, even if it’s not. I’ve just tried the same settings in Ableton and it works perfectly there.


It seem correct. I use AH MK2 in S1 5. I have a “Analog Heat” bus. I route audio from AR and A4 into that and that work great. I have also run audio tracks from various sources and record them to new tracks.

I have some minor changes in settings from yours, but don’t think this is a the problem.
I don’t send any midi to external gear.

Thanks Eric, today I’ve reinstalled both Overbridge and StudioOne but still nothing… this is so weird.

Can you send us a screenshot of your Studio One 5 setup? You say you’ve got Overbridge on your master buss? Can you screenshot the mixer?

Also I assume all your other settings in S1 (audio interface settings, input/output mappings etc) are all correct and functional?

Lastly assuming you’re on Mac, are you running S1 in native mode or via Rosetta?

I’ve tried to activate Overbridge x AH in multiple projects but that’s not the problem. Everything else (audio interface settings, input/output mappings etc) works just perfectly so I really don’t know what it could be. S1 is running in native. Today I’ll try to reset the computer and see what happens :confused: If this doesn’t work I’ll have to return the AH unfortunately.

can you try running S1 in Rosetta and report back?

Hi guys, after resetting my MacBook I started Studio One and it finally works! I guess it was some hidden problem but it’s finally solved. Thank you all for the support.