Help! unable to update Digitone on Mac running 10.12

Hi All,

Gutted , just got home with Digitone.
Cannot update using transfer ( it does not recognise Digitone)
Cannot update through C6 as it doesn’t seem to run on mac10.12

Any ideas anybody?

please help!


Wow thanks to this man!

gtrxoxMay '16
There seems to be an issue with the windowing system and C6 (I’m on 10.11.5 El Cap) - fixing/deleting prefs didn’t help but the fix is pretty straightforward. You could try the following:

  1. open C6,
  2. then open a window any other application, or finder window and hit the full screen button (top right of window, 3rd button in).
  3. Hit the same button again to take the other applications window out of full screen

the window for C6 should then magically appear. (If you can’t see it then - check its not in another desktop in spaces) Hope that makes sense and works for you.

Worked for me.
many thanks again

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