Help updating machinedrum to x.08 firmware

I am having trouble updating my machinedrum SPS-1uw+ to the newest firmware I am currently using 1.63, I’m using c6 software and the elektron TM-1 midi interface. I have tried all combinations midi out of the interface to midi in on MD and vise-versa.
I have even tried creating a midi loop going back into the interface from MDvand still nothing.
Not totally confidant if my c6 settings are correct iv left the default settings.

Please let me know what I am doing wrong would love to get some of the features on this new firmware!

are you going to the early start up mode on the MD itself? like holding the function button when you turn it on, then into midi upgrade?

yes i am i should have specified!

I throw the sysx file into c6 and hit send a green bar starts loading and either disappears or partially loads and then stops. I give it what feels like enough time… maybe im being impatient. does it take over an hour?

I’ve found it not very reliable at 10x speed (if thats what u have c6 set to). if i dropped to 6x it worked fine. Progress is shown on the MD with the step and instrument LEDs

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iv got the “negotiate” in the turbo setting on MD on X1 and in c6 set to X1. its still not working. Im going midi out of the tm-1 into midi in on MD.

iv tried setting them both to 6.7 and it seems like nothing is happening

Got my MD a couple of weeks back and it was a bit of a hassle to update too. At the end what worked for me was connecting the MD to my interface’s Midi In and Out instead of using the TM-1.

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Had no problem to update with a Roland UM1 midi interface, C6, turbo off, negotiate X1.