Help with Digitakt + Digitone pattern change

Hi guys thanks in advance for your help. I already have a project in my Digitakt that i’ve been working a lot in. I now have a Digitone (got it today sounds amazing), and i can’t seem to make the pattern change work with my existing project. I connect midi out in my Digitakt and Midi in in the Digitone, program send and clock send in the Digitakt, and program receive and clock receive in te Digitone. When i create a new project it works, but does not work with my existing project and i really need it to because as i told at the beggining my whole set is prepared there. Is there something i am missing? I checked that every pattern in every Bank has the same lenght, but is still not working. Thanks again.

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you need to enable program send on dt and receive on dn for pattern changes to be in sync.

Edit: I see you’ve changed you’re first post and this is no longer applicable

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I already did. Still not working with my existing project. It does in a new one.

Any other idea? :frowning:

Check to make sure midi channels match up? If it’s working with a new project, there has got to be something you changed in the current project that is preventing it from working.


Thanks for your answer. What has to match up in midi channels? They are off in the Digitone so that nothing that i play on the digitakt affects the orders in the Digitone. I saw BoBeats do that in a youtube video and had no problems with the pattern change sync, but maybe you mean something else?

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I’m talking about global settings
Under the settings menu there is a midi channels menu you can set the program change in/out channels. By default they are set to auto. Maybe you have changed them in your original project


I will definetely check that. Thanks for your input i appreciate it!

One more: in order to sync the pattern change. Do you need the same exact settings in ALL of the banks and patterns? Or does it work per pattern? or per bank?

It’s global settings they are saved per project

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In global settings, I changed the midis assigned from “autochannel” to a particular channel and it worked.


Cool, that was the next thing I was gonna have you check. Glad you figured it out.

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is there yet a solution for this?
i have DT > DN via midi, and all settings right
But DN sometimes changes a Bar after, sometimes change on point (together with DT)
no matter if pattern is 64 steps long, and i make the pattern switch in the DT after the start of the pattern, at the end, sometimes DN lags one bar (at least rhytmically synced but not on the correct melody/harmony bar part)
this pattern change (not programmed on midi tracks, only the 2 boxes setted to communicate pattern changes on the same channel) work by midi? or some internal proprietary Elektron messages?
Is Elektron working on this? maybe some pre-delay on the instructions?

same problem with digitone as master. if digitakt is master, patterns change correctly…

very frustrating as I want to play keyboard via midi on digitone!:expressionless:

You can play the dn through the dt with your keys if you do as follows.

Keyboard out to digitakt in, digitakt out to digitone in. Then place the keyboard on the auto channel. Then set your midi tracks on the dt to the corresponding audio tracks on the dn. I.e. digitakt midi tracks 1-4 on midi channel 1-4, audio tracks on the digitone midi channel 1-4.

Now you can select a midi track on the dt and play the corresponding audio track on the dn with your midi keyboard.


I have updated my setup with more Elektron gear: now I have DT as master, Digitone and A4 MKI as slaves AND I want to use my Keystep as external midi keyboard for all - so your suggestion above (Keystep to IN on Digitakt and using auto channel e.g. 11) looked perfect for me.
But when I have tried it, external keyboard works perfectly on A4 (midi channels 4-7), and all audio/midi tracks on Digitakt, but it does not work on Digitone (Midi channel 12 on DT to Audio track 1 on DN set to auto channel 11. (Also I have tried to select other channel combinations, but it was not working…)
I see that keystep is triggering midi signal on Midi track H on DT (set to midi channel 12), but nothing is coming out to Digitone.
It is surprising me, as the same setup works on Analog Four (but not on all patterns…)…
Auto channel 11 is set on all devices…
(I am using midi splitter from Digitakt midi Out to split signal to Midi In on DN and A4 and other devices - otherwise it works perfectly…)
Any suggestion how to solve this issue…?

I need using external keyboard for playing/recording chords and/or solo lines on DN/A4, at the same time while DT is playing the drums and the rest…

Thanks in advance…

Did you maybe forget to activate RECEIVE NOTES on Digitone?


Receive Notes was activated also on the Digitone…
Basically all midi settings are the same on A4 and DN… just the midi channels are different (except AUTO CHANNEL 11, which is common for all)…

same issue on MPC One to seng Program change , thoug there is a work around …

when pattern seq change on mpc , the Digitone changes a bar late…

on mpc , make the pattern in song mode have a twin , the twin is set to the 4th bar , last bar before change .

seq 1 pg 1 3bars .
seq 1b pg 2 1 bar ,
seq 3 pg 2 3 bars ,
seq 3b pg 3 1 bar…
seq 4 pg 3 3bars , so on.

real headache . plus have to duplicate extra seq b on mpc with other next pg wasting patterns seqs .

not sure if can list edit a PG on MPC , will check in to that now. though It will cause more issues , unless tied to song mode. would get messy on pattern mode switching …


I had the same with Digitone (Master) and Rytm 2 (Slave). This worked for me:

DIGITONE - Settings>Midi Config>Channels>Prog Chg Out Ch = Give this a number not Auto

RYTM or other slave - Settings>Midi Config>Channels>Prog Chg In Ch = Must be same number as the Prog Chg Out on the Digitone or whichever device is being used as the Master.

Now when I change patterns on the Digitone it instantly changes to the same pattern on the Rytm.

If you program patterns on the slave device and have Clock Receive and Transport Receive switched on (Settings>Midi Config>Sync) then you don’t even need to use one the the midi out channels.