Help with FX block issue

So I’m learning the FX block/track and I want to create a volume ramp up over 1 bar / 16 steps, starting on trig 49 (1st trig of page 4) of my 64 step pattern via the LFO.

Seems pretty simple, but the volume ramp LFO is running over the entire pattern instead of just on the 16 steps that I want, even though I only have 1 trig set in the right place

Here are my settings, what am I doing wrong?

I have my track selected in the FX routing

On my FX track I have:
LFO page, I have ramp wave selected and trig mode on TRIG, SPD is 64, MULT is BPM 2, destination is AMP VOL, DEP is -128
TRIG Page LFO.T is on., LEN is 16

and I have one trig set on trig 49.

what’d i miss?

LFO Mode on that trig needs to be Single (second-to-last selection) or Half (last)—ramp will return to the low point at the end of Single, and stay at the high point after Half. Having it on trig mode will leave it running.

Sometimes (especially with MIdI tracks) it can help to put in a yellow trig with LFO turned off where you want it to stop.


Ah! that’s explains it … EXCEPT - now that I set it to trig once, there’s no effect at all anymore!