Help with my partners MA

My partner is doing her dissertation for her MA in Landscape Architecture. She is looking at urban green spaces and has already run a project in Oxford (UK) native planting what was a boring piece of land in an industrial park. This was run in conjunction with the charity Aspire Oxford as the social impact of gardening and nature was an important outcome of the work/research. Please could you complete the survey below to help with her research. It will take less than 10 minutes.
Thanks Chris

Done :+1:

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Thanks all!

Done! The sorting pictures part was a little wonky on my phone but other than that I love the focus area (this is coming from a Chicago resident)


yep done!

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Thanks everyone for doing this, we are trying to get 350 respondents so Laura can get the paper published!

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Thanks everyone for the help and support. We are not far away from the 350 completions, so I’m bumping this as a topic fo the final push…

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Done and a free bump :slight_smile:

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