Help with my TM-1

Im trying to send from my Mac (OS X 10.8.5) to my Monomachine via the TM-1 the… MM_presets_1_0.syx;
and the…
I already installed and opened the C6 Sysex Tool v1.4E
In the “Config” of this Tool I selected the TM-1 ,then in “Load” I loaded those presets and the I pressed the “Send” and the sending was done. But in the Monomachine Global 1 Edit ,in “Sysex Receive” in the display when I send from the C6 the Mono display counter only shows “waiting” but doesn’t shows how many messages have been received. Stays only in “waiting” mode and nothing happens
What should I do?, should I select something specific in the C6 Sysex Tool Config? or should I configure something more in my Monomachine?
Thanks a lot for some answer, I received the TM-1 today and I can’t wait too load those presets.