Any tips for avoiding losing stuff? Last night I accidentally lost a nice pattern because I hit the wrong combination of buttons and cleared something by mistake. I admit I’m still learning so it’s probably just part of getting to know the system.
But any useful tips on both UNDO functionality, and how often people save? How people use save, and so on?
I like to save the whole project periodically, in case things go really south. If I accidentally delete anything by hitting the clear button, hit it again to undo. Also, save the pattern religiously (FUNC + YES)
hey, thanks for the reply.
yeah I need to get into that habit. I’m still trying to learn the basics, copy/clearing entire tracks and patterns versus individual trigs. It’s slowly starting to click, but doesn’t look like I’m missing anything.
I’m used to working with software that has an autosave function!
If you hit the key combo that clears something, hitting it again does an undo, as long as you’ve not copied anything else in the meantime. Would that have helped your situation?
As soon as I get a pattern I like I copy to another slot as a backup before messing around with it. I started doing it in the beginning because i would constantly lose/destroy my work, still do it now.