Here's an Interesting Comparison: OPZ vs Digitone

Similars and differences.

You all know how awesome the Digitone is if you’re on this forum. The OPZ is a much more immediate tool IMO- less menu diving and another great sequencer overall.

These are my two main brains i use in my music… They are so different… They really have a way different feel to them.

One thing i can’t figure out is that, is it really not possible to make just the plocking of parameters only happen so often on digitone? That is something that i use all the time on opz and it seems strange that digitone can’t do this?? It is such a powerful feature.

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To balance things opz cant switch the sound per step though.

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I agree!

I’m not totally clear what you mean by “the plocking patterns” though.

P locking parameters i said… Like say you p lock feedback for a step… Can you make it where the p locked feedback amount only happens every 1:3 times it plays? I don’t think so… But opz can… And it is a very powerful feature, one i have gotten used to…

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Did they ever fix the build quality of the opz? Love the look of the features but heard too many issues of double triggers, unit flexing, etc

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If you use a trigless lock (yellow in the step sequencer) you can set the chance it triggers and then use micro timing to basically put it on top of the previous step that has no locks.

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Me too. Luckily I haven’t had any issues with mine but yeah i’ve heard some horror stories. They’re made of plastic…for the price it’s questionable for sure.

Doesn’t compare to Digitone in that respect at all.

All TE stuff is made that way… Is build quality is a joke… Even the op1 is terrible… It has keys that have problems, the audio board fails… Etc.
Have you seen their modular? Lol… Yea i think they purposely build their stuff like that to encourage people to mess with there stuff… Engineer is in the name… But yes it is built fine to me i love it… But i don’t throw it around, and appreciate the innovation of the cool knobs and paperlike material… If you don’t care about stuff like that then you will just think it is cheap… But you need to realize it is built for different reasons… Like what is possible the line between product and tool… Nothing like digitone that is made for musicians to be a tank… Buchla is built terrible too but that doesn’t mean it is not worth it you know?? My opz has been fine for two years and is super easy to take apart and replace parts… That’s really the point…


Ya i know… But that is crazy complicated to do something that is still not perfect… On the opz it take a second so I’ll sick with that… Digitone has its own strengths…

Fully agree. Very different devices… even though the synth engines are way less feature packed as a whole the OP-Z feels more “alive” and for me it lends itself better for experimentation… but I am more prone to experiment with rhythm then with sound…

One is an innovative FM synth/sequencer/ groovebox and the other is a “form over function” hunk of plastic that I use to prop my Novation Peak up on a slight angle.



Pissing myself.

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For one opz has much tighter timing… Because digitone can plock and everything it doesn’t have the amount of resolution opz has… Opz can swing like nothing else . it jyst grooves while digitone is very choppy sounding.

It might gave questionable build qualities because of it’s cookyness… But nothing about it to me feels cheap… Actually the opposite… It feels like it was made with premium materials and care… And while i love my digitone keys immensely… The opz is one of two of my favorite instruments right next to my prophet 6. It is the one i would choose if i could only have one instrument for the rest of my life…

But i can totally get why others might not really be feeling it… It is a strange one.