HEXASEX vol. 1 - 16 pattern x 6 sound pack for the Model:Cycles

Howdy fellow Cyclists-

I made a sound pack for my beloved Model:Cycles. 16 patterns, 96 presets. ~2 months in the making.

I discovered a world of sounds through extensive use of the LFO.

Sound demo:

Performance demo:

The very last pattern in the demo is a cover of Whipslap by Jonas Meurer-Lunde, who kindly let me include it. His stuff is great! Check him out on SoundCloud!



Awesome demo! Single take?

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Yeah, one take… Mostly. There’s one cut in there due to accidentally skipping a pattern but it funnily worked out for the best.


Great to see creators still making packs for the Cycles. It’s not faultless but I love mine.


For me it’s the workflow…

There’s also just so much hidden sonic territory for the persistent.

A goal of mine here was to provide a good launchpad for someone to explore that territory without the tedium of finding those initial sweet spots. :slight_smile:

In particular the kicks, snare and other percussion sims. Audio rate modulation creates frequencies that almost turn each machine into a new engine.

I almost didn’t check these out because I was initially too lazy to click through just to hear an audio demo and because I’ve been more focused on my ST these days (doubt I’d ever get rid of the M:C as it’s just too useful) but I’m glad I did give it a listen… there are some really nice sounds in there.

Just off to buy it and I’m looking forward to copying… eh, I mean being ‘influenced’ by some of the sounds in the ST… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I already told you this, but this is a very cool idea. I’m curious to know how well they translate.

Vol. 2 is underway. Grateful for all the support. Keep on making music!


Planning a sample pack from the sounds in HEXASEX. I haven’t decided yet if it will be its own thing or a “sample version”. Also what would be useful to people in terms of multisanplimg?

Off the top of my head:
–Multiple pitches for anything pitched (including BD). Octaves or fifths are good
–Different decay lengths
–Maybe different velocities?

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Probably fifths will work best as the sounds tend to fall apart too far from the root. There are only a few presets that use velocity mapping (speaking of which I should prob have documented that!) but I was wondering about variations. Actually a good example is providing certain (or all??) sounds with longer decay than the original so that people have more control over the decay in their sampler.


Could also consider making some tones a wavetable if they are particularly dynamic. That might be more effort than you want to put in, though

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That sounds like a whole other can of worms! I haven’t played with wavetables on Deluge yet and know very little about them. Could be interesting to play around with. Is there a good tool to explore making wavetables with?

I don’t have much experience making them either. I know people like Serum, but that is almost $200. The couple times I tried making them by hand were both tedious and unsuccessful.

Maybe not worth it unless you really want to get into wavetable making? More experienced folks might have a better answer

Haha, thanks for the comment on the demo, put a smile on my face :slight_smile:

Maybe I should lean more into the jazz? Techno / House + Jazz isn’t as common as it should be, imo.

Hey guys,

So it finally happened, I caught the CO-CO.

Although it’s the latest in a string of miseries for me this year, the music doesn’t stop!

Therefore I’m having an Omicron Special!

For a limited time , while I have COVID symptoms , 15% off HEXASEX with the code OMICRON15

If you’ve been thinking about buying my sound pack, now might be the time for you! I’m not huge on discounts so this is unlikely to happen again any time soon. I just thought this might be a good way to drum up some more sales and lift my mood. Because when you’re in hell, might as well have fun with it right?

If you haven’t listened to the demo, why not check it out? There’s a lot of variety in there, so though I may have lingered slightly longer than average on each pattern, don’t feel bad to skip around!


Aiai, get well!

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Looks like gumroad only takes credit cards, which I don’t have. Any other way to procure this? Paypal transfer direct to you for example?

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Appreciate the well wishes. Thankfully I think I have it pretty mild though the first two days had me thinking I was in for a world of pain. Thank God for Paxlovid I guess.

I believe Gumroad does take Paypal, but I’m down for a direct transaction. Send me a DM for the email address.

Update: Just created a sound demo for those wanting to hear the sounds by themselves.

Also, the OMICRON15 code promotion continues while I deal with

:mega: :mega: :mega: DrY cOuGh :mega: :mega: :mega: PROMO OVER

Happy Cycling~~

Promotion over! I am healthy! As an OX

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