Hiphop made with the Analog Rytm

@Roman01 dope! I actually like the drums, the bounce is a bit atypical but it gives it a unique flow. The track sounds really full.

@waftlord These drums are crazy… I love the glitchiness

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I think you achieved your goal. Track is very listenable and definitely unique drum patterns.

It could have more fills, and I think this would help with keeping it interesting, or ear catching. This is all subjective, but I overall enjoyed the vibes. I think the samples you used fit really well. Thank you for sharing.

So it’s not really traditional hip-hop OR protest music but… well… Ya see I was making a beat and then I saw this guy’s freestyle and uh…

Well a series of events ended in me making some hip-hop on the Rytm :sweat_smile: Took some elbow grease to compress his voice but I think that whatever it is worked out


I have just been made aware that this guy actually imploded during this video and typically spends his time banned from IG for spreading misinformation.

His bars belong to me now :japanese_ogre:


Bro that little slight filtered almost silent string of noise.

I’m going to start using that every now and then.

This was a trip. Very cool track.

I’m with you. Dug it a lot.

Dude, tips on that reedy lead?

It sounds like you have some performance pad effect that’s helping to get that overblown flute kind of crack.

Audio rate lfo?

Great track man.

aftertouch is one of the rytms pads unsung specialisms…
i think there’s 4 mod sources!
can’t remember what it was on for this, but that’s a DVCO so a few params i imagine.

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fresh AR beat set!


I know this is an old post, but I somehow stumbled on this thread!

Do you remember how you got that tape stop FX with the Q Performance knob?

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If you get a chance, could you explain your process for sampling synth notes into the AR, as well as how you play them back with a midi keyboard?

Do you end up multi sampling a bunch an entire scale of single notes, then assign one to each pad via the sound pool? That’s the only way I can think of right now, but I might be missing something.

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Thanks man! Cool that you found this!

The tape stop effect is done by locking pitch (-24 I think) on all tracks to the perf knob. That way everything slows down when yout turn the knob.

About the synth sounds: the pitch on the AR is so good that it works great to just sample a single note and use the keyboard to play it chromatic (which works by default). I never multisample stuff actually.


Alright cool! Going to try out that tape stop effect later.

You’re one of the most active OG users on here IMO, so whenever I get a chance to talk I take it.

A few questions…

Could you elaborate on what you mean when you say “the pitch on the AR is so good”?

How often do you use a keyboard with the AR? And what do you typically use the keyboard for?

Thinking about getting a micro controller for my setup, but not sure how useful it would be. Need to do some research, but I think I remember seeing that the AR has a lot of limitations when using a keyboard.

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I have a midi keyboard hooked up to my AR at all times, and I use it on nearly every track.

Using a midi keyboard set to the autochannel (a midi channel you can set in the menu), the midi keyboard controls the sound of the track you have selected. It can play the sound chromatic over a couple of octaves, and it uses the amp envelope you set in the amp lage, and the AR uses the keyboards velocity.

This basically turns every track into a pretty deep monosynth, with either an analog synthvoice (like the dual vco) or a sample (or both) as a sound source. Playing the samples chromatically sounds really good, so sampling a c note of a synth sound will sound good even when playing it up or down a few octaves. I highly recommend using a midi keyboard with the AR, it really opens it up!


This is excellent :+1:

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thank you!!

Holy shit, I definitely didn’t expect such an amazing response!

You REALLY just sold me on the keyboard combo. I’m wondering why more people dont talk about doing this? Maybe just one of those under appreciated things.

One thing that always threw me off was how Chromatic mode on the AR is devoid of accurate musical scale measurements. Then Elektron launched the Syntakt with that exact feature. So I’ve dismissed the idea of using samples chromatically since I technically dont know which notes are in key or not. A keyboard circumvents all of that entirely I assume.

I’ve been trying to squeeze as much out of the AR on its own as possible without any external influences such as a keyboard, etc. Basically operating as a purist lol. But after watching how capable other Elektron box are, such as the OT with all it’s effects and trigs for sample slices…I got a bit jealous and figured it might be time to branch out a bit.

Using the AR, I still want to see how close I can get to an OT without actually using one.

I feel like getting a micro keyboard and an FX box should get me close?

Based on what I know, probably the only thing I couldn’t really get around would be the +Drive storage size vs compact flash card.


Yeah the keyboard certainly helps making the AR more playable, some music theory knowledge helps of course!

As for the OT comparison: the OT can do a lot more, but to me, the AR sounds better and gives you more hands on control of everything. I found that I’m actually quicker and can do most thing the OT does on the AR, it just takes some weird workarounds sometimes. I’d really advice you to stick to the AR and try to get the most out of it for a while. It pays of to stick to a machine and really master it instead of constantly hopping to something else in search of the perfect machine. Instead of getting an fx box, try how far you can get by resampling internally, or bouncing samples back and forth with your daw…

The only thing the AR really cant do is stereo sampling haha.


Well said sir. I’d like to try this with the Digitakt chromatic keys playing the AR’s synth engines, which I have not explored enough.

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Great advice as always!

I definitely plan on sticking with the AR and learning it well. Seems like I’ve just scratched the surface. It’s my first Electktron box as well as DAWless box in general so it holds a special place in my heart.

Could you give some examples on some workarounds the AR can do to meet the features of the OT?

Also, Im looking around and so far haven’t found what MIDI features (?) the AR supports with a keyboard connected. I think it only supports velocity sensitivity, right? No aftertouch, modwheel pitch, etc?

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