Hold to mute without triggering pad


Is there any way of hold-muting a track with its pad without triggering the pad? I know func allows toggling but that’s not what I’m looking for.

Set the pad to fixed velocity = 0

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Only goes down to 1

You can add volume distorsion mod on top. That 's just a sort of hack, so, expect nothing polished…

Someone here (I cant remember who) came up with a workaround that is a bit cumbersome but actually works. If you parameter lock all your placed trigs volume/dist parameter to the desired value, and then turn down the volume/dist to 0. The pad will then generate a trig (that keeps the previously placed trigs from triggering while held) but no sound heard, while the placed trigs will be audible (when the pad is not pressed).


Yeah that could work but wouldn’t that kill the retrig functionality

Yes “muting” a track like this has some drawbacks. As I have mentioned before in another thread, the hold pad-mute thing is not an actual feature. It is a byproduct of that the sound never gets a note off, so it cant trigger a new note, hence the “muting.”


Well I hope you guys never have second thoughts and change it, because that behavior is dope. I just tap a note in time then hold.

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