Hotlinking to a picture

Posting a URL doesn’t create a picture, I don’t want to save every picture to my hard disk and then upload. Have to agree with Darenager and other posters, the forum is badly in need of a redesign. Love the products, love the people, hate the forum.

yep, i agree…at first i didn’t really felt it was an ‘issue’ rather i was like: ah well, fair enough, perhaps they don’t want to get their servers stuffed with users’ uploaded pictures but then, it started to be a bit annoying having to download a picture and then upload it, when it would be way much easier/faster to be able to hotlink the picture in the post

yeah… you can use img tags though:


good, didn’t know about that, thx. a more ‘user friendly’ solution would help all users in the forum though…

did that work?

no it didnt … i see what you guys mean … inserting html code really is above my pay grade :wink: