How are the Trig Notes related to the Chord Machine?

So, I am new. Not only to Elektron, but to music itself.

So when I am in Grid Recording Mode and I set Trigs, the Trigs read “C-5” by default. How is the “note C-5” related to the chord that is played? Is it a “C5 chord”? And if I change the note on the trig to an “A#7” then it’s an “A7 sharp chord”?

Thank you for any help you can provide.

It’s note and octave; it doesn’t have anything to do with chord shape, apart from the root note. The SHAPE parameter changes the chord shape.

So, A#7 would play an A#, then it’s up to SHAPE to dictate whether that’s a minor, major, 7th, etc.


Hello, great question. The answer is nice and easy. C5 is just one note, C. In order to tell you which C of the many octaves of each C note, it is given the number 5. Middle C. The C an octave below is C4, an octave above is C6.

If you change it to Asharp7 it means the Asharp note 2 octaves above the C5. Not the chord Asharp7. You are correct to confuse them though, as both C5 and Asharp7 are chords. Just not here


Shorter, sweeter

Thank you very much!