How can I change swing for each track?

Yeah, question on top. When I go into the swing mode, I can only change swing global but I want to change it for each instrument seperately. Any ideas?


I’m not sure which machine you’re using but often with Elektron gear the swing amount is global, but the swing track gives you per-track/instrument control of which sequencer steps the global swing value is applied on.

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What @finalform said.

You can also use the microtiming function. It takes more time because you have to swing each note of each track, but it is more customizable.

Hold the note down and use the left/right arrow keys.

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scusi guys, I’m using the Digitakt. Thanks for your replys.

“but the swing track gives you per-track/instrument control of which sequencer steps the global swing value is applied on.” I’m not quite sure what u mean. When I hit the triangle, I only see BPM and Swing as global sections. Even when I press one note and hold it, the swing only changes global.

Ok, yeah, the Digitakt doesn’t have a swing track, it only has that single swing setting per pattern, that applies to all tracks in that pattern.

On the larger Elektrons when you access the swing menu the trigs light up to indicate which steps the swing applies to on the currently selected track.

The DT does have micro timing though so you can create a swing effect manually if you have the patience (as @Highways explained).

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that sucks hard :confused:
so Elektron can sell new gear like the Model serie with swing per track function instead of updating the digitakt etc os with this added.

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I’m not sure how drumming up a 2 year old thread just to complain about a device is enriching the forum.
If that feature was so important to you, then you can only blame yourself for purchasing a device without it. That is not the companies fault. I hope you can move past this and enjoy things.


I never understand the “they released another product but they didn’t put x feature I wanted in an older product” complaints - companies can’t release new products without perfecting older products?

But this makes me think it would be great if Elektron implemented a control all microtiming per track feature - kind of like how you can shift the whole pattern over a trig with FUNC and arrow - what if FUNC + microtime + arrow moved the microtiming for every trig on that track?


resampling man, resampling. The solution to all your problems.