How can I delete LFO Locks on a specific Trig?

You press and hold the trig the whole time while turning the knob and then pressing play to remove the p-lock?

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Ther is no button to turn: You have this for speed, volume, etc. There it works. But:
This is parameter is in the LFO Menu (LFO Depth). So how can I remove this?
What should I press?

APOLOGIES … I’ve spotted the error in the procedure above

misleading instructions deleted

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Thank you. But it doesn´t work. Tried it this moment.

I really have run out of ideas now. I just tried the exact same thing on my M:C and it worked (as opposed to working from memory up till then).

EDIT: But now I can’t reproduce this.

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Have you tried it with the depth-parameter?

Thank you for helping.

You could set it back to two just as easily as zero.

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That´s right, but:

  1. If I decide after that to change the depth of the track sound to another value, i have to change every parameter lock to this new value.
  2. If I decide after that to change manually this parameter then recording my song, it tooks always the values on this steps.
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I see what you mean. I’m not sure what the best way to do this would be. Temporary save before making adjustments is probably your best bet before you’re ready to commit to p-locks.

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To get back on parity with the original LFO settings, the simplest way is to just remove the trig and then put a new trig. This will clear the p-lock and set it back to the original track LFO settings. Just be sure to take note of the trig settings (any note data etc.).

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I have to apologise again. I could have sworn I had it working. But now I’m finding that I can only produce the same result as you. And if you read the right section in the manual (10.6.4 DEP) it doesn’t make any promises that it will work as described above, in the 4th post in this thread.

I’ve learnt a lot anyway, sorry for spinning this out so long.

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That‘s right. I‘ll do so.

It‘s an option, but takes time.

Thank you for helping. It‘s a very strange thing. I believe that it is a bug. I can delete all
kinds of p-locks without erasing the other plocks on the same trigs, but no lfo-locks (except