How can I get a tracks Filter > Frequency to go up and down between to values?


2 questions really.

1.) I’m new to this (wonderful) world of making music. I’ve got a nice sequence going where I manually use the Filter page to then change the Frequency from 30 to 50 slowly up and down as it sounds amazing, how can I automate this? I’m tried to use the LFO > Filter/Frequence page with a wave form, but I just can’t get this to work. I was wondering what settings you would use?

2.) I’m playing with Song Mode on the DN and on pattern 5 on track 4 I have a nice melody that again I use the frequency on and slowing bring it on from 30 to 80 and keep it at 80, can this be automated somehow?


If nothing seems to happen: Have you set modulation depth? Is the LFO speed too slow?

We need SLIDES! Please Elektron, next update.

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Hello! :wave:

I think @senor-bling gave a great suggestion.
Im going to add that LFO on the Digitone is bi-directional when its freerunning or trig.
Meaning that the dotted line you see in the middle of the LFO wave shape is your initial value.
So if you want to automate filter going from 30 to 50, you have to set it in the middle on the filter page (in this case 40), and modulate it by 20 on lfo page (so it goes up 10 and down 10).

(negative depth just reverses the shape, but still acts as up and down)

For smooth one time value changes try experimenting with ONE and HLF lfo modes along with different ramps and FADE.

If you want that automation to happen only once, check out trig conditions! Dont forget, you can parameter lock LFO page. :v:


I don’t suppose you have a screenshot of how this might look with you couple of suggestions it would be amaing? I think I’m close but something is amiss which my settings.

See if you can get any results by following this example.
It should modulate your filter up and down.
Ive set filter to 60 because it was hard for me to hear modulation if it was any lower.

feel free to ask again if you dont hear any change in sound! :v:
BTW to get to see all values like on pictures, hold the button you are editing stuff in.


Good God this is great! Thanks you so much, I’ll be testing this tonight.

Just amazing.

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Lol, this diagram is great.

Yes this worked really nicely thank you. A picture paints a 1000 words.

Now this might be an impossible idea, but I’ll anyway :blush:

I have melody on track 4 over 64 steps at half speed and I manually increase the frequency from 20 to 70 and keep it at 70 to slow bring the melody in and I do this in song mode. Can this be automated somehow?

I was thinking of hitting the live record mode and doing it there so it add the trig-less trigs then copy the pattern to the next slot and then set track 4 to 70 to keep it there.

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im happy you got it working!
theres relatively a small amount of things that you cant do on the digitone.
if you feel comfortable with the basic tools, you will be able to combine them in the most interesting ways, making anything you can imagine - a possibility.

thing you want to do is definitely possible and there is multiple ways of doing it.
yours is just as valid as the other! good luck and have fun exploring your music :content: :blue_heart:

P.S. manual is a great resource if you have any questions about what tools you have in your disposal!

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