How can I stop a single sample playing?

Second this technique.
If you are in the audio routing menu (of which there are two, one global one per pattern) you can press the gear button to exit and remember the menu. If you want to navigate back to this page it only takes one press now.

The per pattern audio routing menu is found by pressing the import/export button to the left of the gear. It has an ellipses on it. Audio routing is at the bottom of that page. Press the ellipses button again to exit and remember menu.

@garf how do I elektron emoji?

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ok, but still have to keep an eye on it when switching banks. is there a PAN too in the master, like: func + knob A ?

What do you mean? You would want to pan/change the right/left balance of a sound from the Master view?
No, you can’t do this.

Maybe you are used to hands-on controls synths, with not many menus, that you can tweak in real time…
Elektron machines do have menus, which makes it impossible to change at the same time parameters on different menus (let alone different tracks).
The strength of Elektron machines is their sequencer, you usually plock parameters for each track (such as volume level or pan), and/or tweak the parameters and reload…
To reach your workflow maybe an alternative would be to use an external MIDI control surface.

Beware though: trying to enforce a workflow on an Elektron machine is usually frustrating, you’ll end up way happier if you take the time to understand what the machines does (and does not), and how to use this to your advantage.

Are you changing other parameters other than PAN/Volume?

If everything is in a saved state you can always FUNC + NO to roll back to the saved state (for example full volume and whatever PAN you prefer by default).

Since this is improv, I am assuming multiple params are being changed though…

I take it the green mutes are not sufficient? (no slow release)

indeed, no slow release… but now I can’t even mute anymore by pressing FUNC+CHAN: I don’t want to run a pattern to trig my samples…

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How can I config the DT to use nanoKontrol2: the sliders as volume control per channel and the PAN-pots,

Well, do as you please, but it’s IMO like wanting to cycle only backwards.
Maybe other samplers are more appropriate for what you try to achieve.
Long samples and no sequencer are definitely not the Digitakt’s strengths.

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This is how it is.

Your best bet is asking for a feature request over email.

Maybe in the Digitakt feature thread to see if there is interest.

I like the idea of a combo that allows you to un-stage(?) an already playing sample per track. Preserves desired release and no guessing game when dialing in sample length.

Not necessarily for live playing (even though that would fit your use case quite well) but for live recording trigs/params on the sequencer itself.

Could be a more organic way to record/dictate desired sample length in a sequence/free play session.

Maybe I missed a post with this suggestion, but will type it anyway:

Ass a trig to the sequencer and lock the amp envelope stages to the trig playing the sample as you want it to play. If hold is locked to ‘note’, then also lock trig length at the TRG page. Just like it is playing now. Mute the track and simply unmute it when you want it to start playing (gotta use the sequencer, it’s 50% of what makes DT great)

Then, set amp envelope attack , decay and release to 1, 2 or 3 (to avoid a click). Now, when you want to stop the sample from playing mid way, mute the track with quick mute (FUNC + TRIG) and immediately after that tap the trig without FUNC to stop playback.

Audio routing trick is nice, but if you’ve routed the tracks to delay and/or reverb it will still go through them and be audible.

I would just shorten the sample length for that one trig. Seems the simplest way to me.