How did you get into Modular and integrate with your Elektrons?


I have a decent modular set up ,

I got into it just build my own synth at first, but it went off into all sorts of directions and grew bigger.

I also wanted to get away from the daw and to try recording music out of the box again.

I love the modules I have , they are great fun but not the most practical in terms of making more detailed sequenced tracks .

It ended up costing a lot and took a while before I was happy with the modules I now have …trial , error…buying , selling, buying etc

To be honest looking back … for programming tracks and arrangements out the box / daw… …using my akai force with a few elecktron devices would be a more fluid approach…

I just bought the analogue 4 mk2 and will start to integrate it … it might end up being that I don’t use modular as much

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Oh that’s sounds like a frustrating position to be in. Drambo and VCV look good, but I like to get away from screens. Certainly a cheaper option though.

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Are their are semi modular devices that you think might be a better start for me to use with my Elektron gear? Or something like the Niffy case?

I guess I’d like to do something ambient and random like this, but use the DT and DN for drums and clock, would this be a good start and what else would I need:

Not only cheaper… comes with great features such as patch saving.

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Most of the MI stuff is great, albeit they don’t make them anymore …but it’s open source and lots of really good clones available.

Behringer make some mi clones and more coming , would certainly be a cheaper option.

Modular is fun tho …and can be fast on the fly to create something unique

It’s more laborious if you want sequence arrangements from it… unless you want to record it to audio or just cv / gate for note info like you would any synth etc.

I think the beauty of modular set up are in the fast things you can do when modulating parameters and some modules are very unique sounding …

Have you looked into 0-Coast?

It’s a seriously capable utility box with a VCO.

I started with the Make Noise desktops and then wanted more options after.

Before that I got sucked in with guitar pedals. I think Beebo and Chase Bliss’ Blooper gave me my next push because what I wanted could be accomplished more easily in modular than with pedals.


Autocorrect of the week


:sweat_smile: fixed

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I wonder about this question often. One thing I’m not quite seeing clearly (as I orbit the black hole of modular but still haven’t crossed the event horizon) is how I’d use it. I am thinking more and more the bulk of my sequencing would be external - Digitakt via midi to CV or maybe A4 built in CV, that sort of thing. I don’t know how much I like sequences I’m not in full control of (still, they sound fun to experiment with). OTOH, a couple modules can’t hurt.

The bulk of my drums will probably come from an AR and some neato stuff from an A4 or DN. I’ll likely sample some things when I want to slim down (and I do want to slim down - I know, that’s why I’m orbiting the black hole haven’t fallen in yet). Tonal melodic stuff will mostly come from fixed architecture synths.

So, it’s weird drones mostly and some percussive sounds or a drum sound I intend to sample. I like those, and that sounds fun, but I keep wondering whether or not I’ve fully exhausted what I can get out of fixed architecture synths in those departments. I have a Rev2 and a Pro 2 (and an A4) and those synths can still do things I’ve not uncovered yet.

Sometimes I think about a performance modular, but I worry I’d make one over driven filterFM ring modulated patch fifteen times and then feel like I go to the same places as I do with my other synths, only slower. I dunno, though - a DFAM+Taiga+0-Coast and maybe subharmonicon seems a lot more manageable and gets me to similar levels of weird. I guess I can put them all in a case to play pretend.

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learning curve isn’t bad. it’ll likely make you understand synthesis better, which you can then take back to your other gear and try things you’d never considered before.

how I got into it and why…? mostly I had semi-modular stuff that I wanted to add to (there’s never enough attenuation and mixing options, and you always want another LFO it seems…). from there, I just realized I liked playing with sound in this manner. most of what I do with modular is just that, and I rarely use it as fully as I should. but I don’t usually approach it from “I want this sound” I approach it from “let’s see what I get” and then trying to do something with it.


Yeah I’m also think whether a semi modular device is better and cheaper to learn with, yeah I’ll carry on with VCV, but I use computers all day and have to get my eyes away from it to chill out. I love ambient arps (used with Microcosm) rather than harsh sounds. Those 3 (DFAM+Taiga+0-Coast) look amazing, but I’m not sure how good they are at creating ambient tunes and happy accidents for me like some have said full modular can do.

As mentioned I love this small setup and arp. I’d certainly use drums from the Digitakt or Digitone and use one as the clock and as a sequencer too. I thin MI no longer make those modules though.


  • cheap
  • sounds good
  • great patchbay, all the spaghettis to the side

The Taiga is semi semi modular in as far as there are default connections, but of course those connections don’t have to be used. Look at it as a collection of modules: you get great core sound and a lot of modules and functionality for the money! As for the Taiga doing ambient / atmospherics with a couple of other modules - check this out: TAIGA - IN THE RACK!!! - YouTube

Nice video, so how many modules is in the Taiga do you think? A good way to save money and like he has add a couple of modules plus sequence from the Digitakt or the Keystep which I also have.

It’s about the same price as the Syntakt which I’ve had my eye on to complete the trio, but I sometimes feel like I need to learn something different hence this main question.


Control (Midi 2 CV, Arpegiator, clock source, including random)
Three Oscillators
Dual Mixer / Preamp
Utilities (LFO / Noise / Sample & Hold / Mixer/Splitter)
PGH Filter
Dynamics (including LPG)
Analog Delay
Output (modular to line level and headphone output)

Yeah, about all it doesn’t give you is sequencing. It would be pretty expensive to replicate what it does with separate modules.

One big thing that I’m getting over is what I expect to use a sequencer for. They’re not just used for drumming but also triggering/modulating parameters. Using these with different utilities opens an entirely different door to working with modular and getting wanted, unintended results.

Otherwise, I agree with you… I have no reason to use modular for triggering drums. Designing sounds and processing is one thing, but I’ll do any drums sequencing in Digitakt and Syntakt. This is just my preference.

This also goes back to being able to design a modular rack into really anything you need it to be.

You could approach it as designing the Frankenstein monster synth of your dreams, or as a performance tool, an effects box, a dedicated drum machine or a self evolving pattern melody/harmony machine.

Or maybe you don’t choose and buy all the modules so you can do it all.

Even with a small rig - have fun patching up percussive sounds, record, create sample chains; load into DT or OT and voila - modular drums.

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