How do I back up all my sound banks and reset the Digitone to factory settings?

I would like to make a backup of my banks on the Digitone, and then wipe it clean to start anew.

From my understanding (the manual is not really clear; it assume you know things that I had to look up on internet, like what is a sysdump), I need to go in the settings, choose sysex dump, then sysex send and finally, choose the sounds category and pick a bank.

On my computer I have C6 running; the Digitone is connected to the computer via USB and MIDI (both midi in and out are connected to my UR22MK2 interface), click receive on C6 and YES on the digitone and the sounds should be backed up.

The issue is that I don’t get much; I see receiving up to 60K, then it stops. If I restore that sys file that I just received, it will contain just one preset (for example, trying to export the standard library included with the Digitone, the only preset saved is “airy pad”). What am I doing wrong?

Also if I want to wipe clen the device, how do I do that? I found a format option in the settings, but would that wipe everything, including factory presets?


Eventually found the solution.

It was so easy that it is not even worth post it.