How do I back up projects? Help an idiot!

I can transfer in new sound packs etc using the USB cable and Transfer software.

But I follow the manual section for backing up and though the Cycles says “complete”–where do the projects go? Are they going to my PC?

Any help would be awesome!!!

Yes, to your PC. Do a system wide search for ‘SysEx’ and you should be able to find the file if it’s not immediately obvious where it went.


Thanks mate.

That has not revealed the project, just a legacy folder of an old DAW I have long got rid of.

I must be doing something wrong in the transfer, so I will give it another go.

Cheers anyway.

I think I got it. Have you tried Elektron’s C6 instead of Transfer? The latter is only for presets as far as I can tell (not projects). It’s hella confusing and there’s near enough no help to be found on here or in the manual from the various searches I did.

Here’s a link to it (second one down, ignore the fact it’s labelled for analog drive):

I’m not 100% about it working this way and I no longer have a Cycles to test it out. But if not someone here will surely have the answer!


Yes, use C6. Assuming m:c sends sysex like the others.

Configure midi ports, click ‘receive’ or similar, then send sysex from m:c (not earlier). When complete stop receive in C6 and a file now appears that you can save where you like.

Sysex (and midi) doesn t know whether anything is listening so you can have m:c send without anything actually recording the transmission.


Well would you believe it!

That did the trick.

I didn’t download C6 because I read that it was best to use Transfer for Cycles.

C6 manual was even helpful!

Sent the Project to the PC and back to a blank one to test and all good.

Even a nice save option in C6 to pick a folder.

Great job Craig, it was really getting on my nerves.


Good tip on the send and receive bit, would have missed that. Cheers dtr.

Awesome! Maybe it would be a good idea to add a line about using C6 for backups in the M:C manual. What do you think @eangman?


@eangman And additionally this bit of clarification from @dtr . I had the same puzzlement as @pk5100 initially, till I remembered that the sysex software has to be told to wait for incoming data. (Hunting around in Sysex librarian jogged my memory) .