How do I save a tweaked sound-locked sound?

Is it possible to save/export a sound I’ve just edited that isn’t the track sound, but a sound locked sound?

In other words - directly export from a sound lock trig into the sound manager (either saving the preset or loading into sound pool).


That’d be great. I wish it since a few years for all Elektrons using Soundpool.

Hold a trig, turn Level knob, choose a free Soundpool slot, or prompt for overwriting, Done.
Seems doable.


So it’s not yet possible?

It’s possible to ask Elektron


ha! I’ll do it.

If the sound is the active sound any changes you make can be saved as a sound…
So if you lock all the sounds as you go you can always save the active sound…
I’ve started doing this and you can create a variation lock it, repeat etc…
A way to simply save a step as a lock would be nice though.

Yeah I think I’ve managed to save an active sound (which is the track sound, isn’t it?).
But it’s the sound-locks that I’ve tweaked (hitting trig+YES to hear it as I tweak) that I want to be able to save and recall elsewhere.

Yes I understand what you mean… you can kind of do it as I explained but in a different way .
If you save the active sound, then lock that to the steps it’s already in,
If you adjust the the active sound again (the new step you want to tweak and press trig preview etc) you can save that lock that step, now you can adjust the active sound again and so on etc…

if all the sounds are locked you can just select the sound you want to adjust make that active,
Then you can tweak it and save it again…

It’s not exactly what you are asking for and @sezare56 feature request would be easier…
but it’s a way to save different sounds and steps on the same track that you can recall elsewhere as you want


sorry to sound dumb, but how do you make a sound that’s locked to a trig ‘active’? By that you mean make it the main track sound, right?

The post you’re referring is a feature request!
Editing / saving soundlocks / soundpool would be huge!

Check @DanJamesAUS answer, I also used this way to save a track sound to the soundpool.

On a side way, it is possible to transform a soundlock to a regular plocked trig.
Plock all parameters off the soundlock, then choose track default in the soundpool.
This way it can be modulated with CTR AL, lfos…

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I know how to save a track sound to the sound pool - via the sound manager (using export)

But it’s the sound locked sound (non-active) that I can’t. What should happen, is that you hold down the trig with the sound lock, then press FUNC + IMP/EXP to go to the manager options for the sound lock.

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Well, this functionality is simply not implemented.

Send a feature request to to increase the chance that it may become reality in a future update.



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