How do people react to your studio?

“What kind of music do you make?”

“So, what do/would call the music you’re making?”

“When you dropping an album?”
“How much for a track?”

“I’ve always wanted to know how to make music?”

“You should put some music on Bandcamp/SoundCloud.”


“this is so cool” etc

My favorite recent one is “feels like I’m inside of a computer.”

I have a pretty modest setup, but lots of cables around.


Only 2 people aside from myself have ever been in there. Their opinions are their own, I dont care what they think of it.

What matters is I love my studio. It’s set up for me. No one else.


Mine’s in the attic, so people don’t go up there unless I take them up. My 18 year old son doesn’t think it’s nearly as cool as he should. My 5 year-old loves banging on the keys (“just press it with your fingers!”) and twisting knobs (no problem for the gear with presets). Friends clearly decide I have more money than I actually do.

My wife often asks me “does that one do something the other ones don’t?” I hate that question, because she’s got a point…


I’m in the front seat of my own show, so I’m ok with it

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I just start describing all the minute ways in which it is something new and different and the questioning quickly comes to a halt along with the entire conversation lol.



:100:%. The conversation ends even quicker if I offer to play something for her…


This is the main reason I don’t want to show my gear to anyone haha.

Yeah well wife, you also want us to have more than one cat, dog, couch, tv, air-conditioner, set of cutlery etc etc… if you want me to overdub tracks with the one synth then we’re gonna have to ‘overdub’ family dinners as well…

In actuality I once gave her a side by side of Roland Gaia and 106 and she was like, yeah ok then, fair enough.

I once had an electrician get excited about my EPS thinking it might have been an ASR10, but then lost interest when he figured I wasn’t hip hop enough for him.


She has the least expensive tongue drum she could find on Amazon. I just bought a Syntrx.

Last night, I was pinging the spring with some slightly folded, short impulse sinewaves.
Me: “try this, sequential notes interact much like on your drum”
Her: “Sounds bad”
Me: [adjusts the trapezoid to repeat, moves the wavefolder control back and forth"
Her: “hang on, that sounds better!”

She likes the sound of the TR-8s, and she loved the XV-5080 we had years ago. I acquired a Jupiter Xm for us to share, but she likes the immediacy of her tongue drum. Which is good, because it’s going to take me some time to get to know the Xm well enough to be able to rapidly setup patches and scenes.

If you zoom out, we are two software nerds who love art and technology and are good at building and helping others to build. If you zoom back in, our interests and preferences diverge, but I suspect that’s a big part of what makes the relationship work. There would be Trouble with a capital T if we both wanted to use the Monomachine at the same time.

On second thought: every time I order fries, I have to order twice as much as I want to eat because she won’t order her own but will eat mine. I should probably get a second Syntrx while they are still available, just to be safe. :innocent:


Only ever showed anything to close friends who were already into doing music stuff so it was never a big deal. Random strangers or friends of friends I’d keep the door shut and not say anything. Associated with too many dodgy fuckers in the past to feel comfortable showing off a room containing thousands of $$ of gear.


My studios, over the years, have not been seen by many. My landlords at my previous apartment were impressed with my set up I had when I lived there.


They don’t. No one really cares except me :joy:


No one really sees my gear outside of people who know what I do, I don’t tell other people about it to save myself the tedium of explaining “no, nothing like a DJ, no, it isn’t all done with computers, no I don’t just press a button and the music magically gets created” etc. Also security concerns, and also it is none of their business.




The first time my sister came by while I was working on music…

Sis: whatcha doing?
Me: playing a bit of music(hits play and something odd starts to play)
Sis: and who are you listening to?
Me: it’s my stuff
Sis: I know it’s yours but what is it?
Me: it’s mine ! It’s coming from these different boxes(waves hand over silly amount of samplers and drums machines)
Sis: so they play the music like a CD?
Me: no! It’s MY music I put it in them!
Sis: But where does it COME from?
Me: ?!:rage:(Now dumbfounded)… Do you mean like the idea of it?
Sis: YEAH!
Me: :thinking:…my brain!?
Sis: Ooooooookaaaaay :roll_eyes:


Soooo, tell us. How does your brain work?


haahahahahahahhah, my non-artist friends like music but lack the creative drive or curiosity to play, still love 'em.

My lovely artist friends are too busy husslin’ creatively, so my interactions there are usually not fun jams but visual or physical.

Hey! Theres your next album title!


How i imagine if I let people into my place.

“Wow! You use all this to make music?!”

“Well, mostly I just use vsts and Renoise”

“Then what do you do with all this stuff?”

