How do we want our future to sound? Greenpeace and DJs 4 Climate Action Sample Challenge - Digital and Vinyl Release

How do we want our future to sound?

The CLIMATE SAMPLE PACK offers an entry point to dig into this question. Using field recordings made by Greenpeace during years of vital action on behalf of our planet, we’ve crafted a wild array of unique sounds: Arctic ice claps, Amazonian storm loops, Pacific wave crashes, Synth whales and many more sparks for sonic exploration.

These sounds have stories and we’re excited to hear you channel them into an amazing track which inspires, elevates or simply moves butts. We’ll release our favorites next year, and pick a select few to press on greenest vinyl ever made.


How is the vinyl the greenest ever made? I can’t find any info in the FAQs other than suggesting it will be green in colour! Plus, isn’t vinyl one of the least eco-friendly things ever?

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So “the greenest ever” is probably a pretty low bar. Using 100% recycled vinyl and a lathe powered by renewable energy is probably sufficient to be greener than all other records :anguished:


A band I know recently pressed a record on ‘Eco-vinyl’, saying:

Eco vinyl is reground and recycled vinyl pellets. It’s a more environmentally friendly option, but means that we don’t get to choose the exact colour of the record.

All the records were basically a sludgy brown colour, as you would probably expect if you were ever the kid that wondered what awesome thing would happen if you mixed every colour of paint together.

It fit the music though, as they are a sludge band :wink: