How do you get the AK individual outs in a DAW?

I’ve tried with both Logic and Maschine - in Audio Routing on the AK I’m removing the tracks from Main (unchecking them) - for Logic I’m creating the 6x stereo output version of the AK, and for Maschine I’m trying to use the Channel input as AK -2, AK -3, etc.

In either case, I have all 4 voices running a test arp pattern and there is nothing on any of the individual outputs seen in the DAW.

I haven’t used OB much since the early versions, but back then I remember there being options/setup in there about which voices go where, but I don’t see anything like that now…

What am I missing here?

Are the outputs enabled in Overbridge Control Panel app?


THANK YOU! I forgot about the separate control panel app - I guess I remembered it being part of the AK interface. I kept clicking on the OB engine helper app thinking it must have something in it but it’s just status.

All good now…