How do you play keyboard with Elektron products polyphonically?


how does that work exactly ?
programming. ?

If I. were to upgrade to like a Digitakt or OT could I use something like that, also plugging in the audio out R and L to Digitakt or OT work or does sound not play ?

You can download a firmware that allows it to be played like a synth. It lets you utilize all the six tracks at once. So you can assign each track as a tone machine and play chords up to six notes at a time.

It can get pretty wild when you use it this way. I already had an early version of the cable, so I had to update mine, but I’m pretty sure it is preloaded on it now.

Setting it up is a bit of a challenge, but is really useful and I’m glad I did it.

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I’m not 100% sure how it works with the DT, but the OT is made for that kind of thing. You can use thru machines to add effects to the keyboard, or sample it and mash it up live. That’s kinda the whole point of the OT :slight_smile:


word thats what I thought what happened to the audio if more than four notes are. played at a time ?

I think you need to understand the difference between audio and MIDI here.

If, for example, you’re using a Reface CP or YC, they have 128-note polyphony. If you’re using the audio output from this, it’ll be the same no matter what you plug it into. You’ll get the full polyphony as all of the audio processing and mixing is done in the keyboard itself.

If your Reface is a CS or DX, they’re only capable of 8 notes. The same still applies though, those 8 notes are mixed for the output and can plug into anything else, retaining the same sound.

If you’re using MIDI on either of those (or another MIDI keyboard), it’s a different story. MIDI contains just the control signals for the notes, not the actual sound. The keyboards will send full polyphony, but the receiving device (where the sound is generated) dictates polyphony. For example, if you have a Digitone and select a polyphonic patch, the incoming MIDI can only trigger up to 8 notes simultaneously before the voice stealing starts to happen. On a Model:Cycles, it’s only 1 note, as each track is monophonic.

The Octatrack handles MIDI a little differently, and it gets kinda complex once you start using it to control track recorders etc., so I won’t go into it here. But the key is that any audio you send into the inputs will effectively be just as it sounds in the keyboard on its own.


thanks bro that exactly what I was wondering midi is very confusing all these videos of people using midi controllers w/ these boards only playing one note so I can use the OT as somewhat of a mixer with Thru looping and still have the reface cp or any synth sound unaffected ?

this video is on point

pretty cool can the analog rytm mk 2 or Digitakt do this

I don’t have either the DT or AR so can’t say for sure, but the DT can’t do that exact thing (applying a gate/envelope to input). If the AR can take audio input into the synth engines, then yeah it should be able to do a similar thing. Again, I’m not sure though.

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