How do you save on the Digitone?

If you are anything like I was when I started out with the Digitone, you’ll need to rtfm before knowing how to save things on the Digitone.

Well… I made a video on it:

How do I save on the Elektron Digitone?


Nice one !

Do you considere making a tutorial about powering up the digitone ? I find it to be a wonderful instrument but a bit quiet to my taste, very subtle tones tho.

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Can you elaborate a bit on powering up? Are you thinking more beefier sounds or actual power?

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Sorry, my post was a bad joke about the fact that saving up is a quite obvious process to me (as obvious as powering it up) and, I suppose, the majority of DN users.

Putting away the fact that this tutorial wasnt made for me, it’s still a well made video and a clear explaination :+1:

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sweet tutorial, short and informative.
if theres a topic im interested in regarding DN/eletktrons, ill check if you have a video on it. :content:

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Thanks! I have plenty more planned. Is there any specific topic that you are looking into?

This is a great idea, It’ll be one of my YouTube shorts. :wink:

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im struggling a bit with figuring out an easier way of managing midi settings for external devices, while using DN as master.

issue im having is that there is no global midi source/cc select, and for each new pattern i have to go back and copy track settings for each track individually, which gets tedious.

option i thought about but havent tried yet is creating a clean master copy of a pattern with midi settings in place. usually i forget about management of clean patterns because im busy making music. :tongue:

would love to hear if you have any ideas! :blue_heart:

Make desired global and pattern midi settings on a pattern on a new project and copy them on every first pattern of every bank (1a, 1b etc) Save project and rename to something like “init mine”. Lock the project to prevent unintentional overwrite. Next time you want to start a project load the init mine and start like you would do normally (but start on Pattern 1). Because the desired midi settings loaded in the “init mine” pattern it will copy and past them thru the next patterns while editing.
Save the project with a different name and voila.
If you prefer different midi “presets” ,because of the use of different attached gear,you can do the same approach.instead of saving the settings on all first patterns use bank H to save different midi mappings on different patterns. Just copy the desired settings from that bank and start from there.

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hey thanks! after reading your suggestion a few times i still dont understand how

but having a locked master project, is something i understand and can do. :+1:
ill make one after adjusting my setup.

My. English isn’t great but you get the point. By “it copys” i mean that with every copy and paste of a pattern , during the progress of building a chain of patterns, the pre loaded settings will be copied along.
A much shorter reply of me could have be: make a blank project with desired midi settings and save and :lock: it for future use.