How do you send MIDI CC whilst also using Overbridge?

So I am trying to work out how to use the Digitone Overbridge plugin to automate my Digitone at the same as sending MIDI CC from Ableton to automate the velocity of the notes. Can it be done? Automating the functions available through the Overbridge plugin is a doddle but I can’t for the life of me work out how to automate the parameters not available on the OB plugin, the likes of note velocity. Am stumped. Any ideas??

Automate midi CC 4 on a midi track from Ableton ?

I did that already and it didn’t work. The Digitone was set up to receive CC but no Velocity changes happened.

Mhh :thinking: weird, did you try with another midi cc ? Like 23 filter freq ? How do you send from Ableton to Digitone (midi not to the plugin but to the midi device “Elektron Digitone” with “remote” and “track” activated)

I was trying to send the midi CC via the USB when connected to overbridge, am going to try using the MIDI Din connection and send the midi CC that way to see if it works. Via USB no Midi CC data was recognised by the DN

Maybe post a few screenshots, midi config on ableton and DN, ableton tracks and devices because “no midi cc sent” at all seems like a configuration issue more than a bug