How do you use lock triggers (yellow triggers) on your digitakt?

Hi all ! I’m new here, I’ve been playing on the excellent digitakt for about a year, and until today I have never used blanking triggers in practice … I perceive their function as saving time so as not to put a continuation with changes on a regular trigger. what are you using them for???

Are you talking about trigless trigs? I use them a lot to duck audio

I just learned a trick to use them after a one trig sample, then use triples trigs to sequentially change the filter frequency to creat a sort of wavetable sound

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yes, i’m talking about yellow triggers

I usually do it with LFO :slight_smile:

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Triglessly triggering some filter movement on a sustained tone is kinda cool, been using that a lot lately.
Is a trigless trig still a trigless trig if it trigs the filter? Partially trigless trig? :wavy_dash: :diddly: :wavy_dash:

Check out the manual!

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ok, but actually i can do it by holding the regular trigger and putting the start on the continue point, and doing the same with the filter and so on… Or I didn’t quite get it

Ah yeah, so but what if you wanna trigger the filter movement twice (or more times?) in the duration in which that sustained note is held. Red trigger for the first filter-wah, yellow trigger sometimes later for the second filter-wah

You need to motion-sequence the filter trig to ON for the yellow trigger though

Not sure if I described it in an understandable way, kinda tired right now :v:

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oh my little brain got something interesting :smiley: in FWD.L mode everything becomes clear

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That’s what I was meaning yes. I just forgot to give you the full info. I think

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