How I can do this? Dj mode

Hello everyone , so it’s a few months that I didn’t use Ot on that way, and I don’t remember how do it.

So I have all flex machines, on track 1 to 4 I have different layers of a song and 5 to 7 other song.

So my idea it’s to mix/add layers, for example I start with the kick(t1) and add layers, then when it’s all the layers, attenuate the layers on the beginning and mix the 4 with the 5 and start the new song. When I have all the 5-7 I want to go to the next pattern. Where I have 5-7 the same song that was on pattern 1 but I have a new song on 1-4, later I want to repeat this process on the next pattern, but now o copy 1 to 4 and have new stuff on 5-7. I hope you are following me.

So what I need its that the dj mode settings affect to all the tracks on all the patterns,(that keep the information) if I have all the knobs down when I change the pattern still the same. But I need that each patterns have different wav files ,”( different songs/different layers ) is this possible?

Maybe I can do with trig condition trig but I was if think it was a easier way


I think you want to use song mode and parts.
parts hold the track information (.wav as you said) and you can set mutes and scenes with song mode.

so you want to transition from tracks 1-4 to tracks 5-8?
if that´s the case i would set up scenes on Scene A you have MAX level on tracks 1-4 and MIN level on tracks 5-8. On scene B you have MIN level on tracks 1-4 and MAX level on tracks 5-8.

As for the samples. you can trig lock the samples to a specific track. so on pattern 1 you have samples 1-4 on track 1-4, samples 5-8 on tracks 5-8. On Pattern 2 you have samples 9-12 on tracks 1-4 and samples 5-8 on tracks 5-8. On pattern 3 you have samples 9-12 on tracks 1-4 and samples 13-16 on tracks 5-8 etc. etc.

This way you pertain the same settings throughout the patterns so you can switch seamlessly between patterns and easily fade to another track.

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Cool, nice to hear that , I was wondering if it was other option cuz on trig condition u can’t see the AED (audio editor) of the tracks that it’s having the new position on the trig


Sorry what u mean? English it’s not
My native language