How likely is it that the Rytm will sell out on tuesday?

Lol :slight_smile:

Well at least we know they use drupal now :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve added one to my cart several times, but then when I hit the Checkout button, the order is empty. Despite the fact that I can see it in my cart. :frowning:

I have one in the cart but every time I proceede to checkout I get ‘no item’ when reviewing my order. The site also crashes from time to time…

How can they not be prepared?

+1 here. No luck so far.

Elektron better stick to hardware… I mean ok, launch day and the cart not working is a bit of a fuck up.

Same here…
And i have a meeting in 5 min. harggg !

Have it in my cart, but when i try to check out it tells me ‘no items’ so can’t proceed…

Same here = Lame

Yeah, forget it. I’m not going to pay a premium price for this hassle.

I’ll just order it from a retailer for $250 less and wait.

no luck here … same stuff happening and i got to go to meeting as well :sob:


I’ve managed to purchase 250 RTYMs in a single order.

Once delivered I plan to coat them in gold leaf, add diamond encrusted knobs and then sell them on ebay at a reassuringly high mark-up.

Thats what I call a classical market failure :frowning:

Yep having the exact same issue here on both Chrome and IE. Very annoying.

Fly my pretties. I thought it said 3pm UTC sale? Isn’t that 30 mins away?

Edit - obviously not. :dizzy_face:

Good luck folks.

Lol, classic :stuck_out_tongue:

no, it’s half past three here in Sweden…

works fine for me using chrome

simply wait and don’t click anything else on the site. Lots of traffic and the server just has too many requests.

Patience grasshoppers :slight_smile:

no, it’s half past three here in Sweden…
Yeah sorry mate… Realised as I posted it. Doh.