How many are holding off buying A4 Keys until

I think its about time we had some kind of info about the new box.

“Very very soon” ended last week, unless time is measured differently on planet electron.

I would imagine the soonest it will be revealed will be the end of next week, when the sale ends, the A4 OS is updated, and the AK starts shipping. Even then, how long will it take for it to actually be released? Maybe the end of the year, but probably sometime early next year in reality.

Personally, if I had the money to buy my next piece of Elektron gear right now, I would, regardless of what is in the box. It isn’t likely to overlap with their other gear, and chances are good that I’d still want it regardless of what they come out with next.

I’d wager the spotlight will be on the AK for a bit.

“very very soon” is kinda relative innit… but relative to what? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m not either but all Elektron did (for all intents and purposes) was display some flashing lights in a frosted glass case. The “hype” has been perpetuated by everyone speculating on the forums and internet.
There is a big different between need and want and quite frankly I may want more in my studio but I realistically do not “need” it.
So for me at least all the speculation is neither here nor there.

ok, what if…

it is a mixer/FX box.

Say, sequenced 8 mono fader inputs and P-locks, with a dedicated analog compressor on each channel EACH WITH SIDECHAIN input. And 2 global FX for the AUX lines… top it off with a limiter dedicated on the Master Out and we would have a pretty killer live setup if kept to a small footprint…

Maybe an Elektron mixer isn’t a bad idea. I had planned an A4 Keys, but the lack of a good performance mixer on the market is becoming apparent with the increasing popularity of modular and Elektron- setups.

I’m waitig on my next main/intended purchase… partly due to what it may be;hopefully a mixer.


  • 16 channels
  • Dedicated master track
  • 100mm faders or rotaries.
  • Pair of S/R at least
  • 2x Midi Outs for sequencing external gear so it can be the centrepiece.

I’m working on alternative purchases to deal with the lack of a good performance mixer… there really is nothing out there suited to the live electonic setup is there?


You new here?

16 tracks would be nice but my 8 tracks would keep the cost $$$ down -especially if each channel had a compressor.

16 tracks each with an analog compressor would IMO put the cost WAY over why most are willing to cough up.

I plan to get an AK but since NAMM is also just around the corner, all is in flux. Because of that though, Elektron would be wise to take advantage of indecision and time and once the sale ends and the A4 released/shipping, to offer a special introductory pricing on early adopters of low serial numbers…then resistance will truly futile to both Elektron and what I know of a different company’s new new that will be at NAMM 2014.

Am quite used to this kind of stuff because Waldorf, another fine small company that makes exceptionally innovative and quality gear, had us waiting for year and half with pulse 2.

It’s a running joke tossed around on the Waldorfian List because Waldorf is notorious for using very same statements such as “Very, very soon!” and the only other variation, “very SOON!”

I also am one that when something I am interested in adding to set-up, upon it’s release I rather take my time and download the user manual and see the much more enlightening specs and capabilities and am thinking there’s going to be an outstanding user manual for new flagship instrument.

The new new under frosted glass may be so deeply under development that focus on the AK would even make good business sense, let alone marketing.

I DO love how they have been adding to the FAQ’s about the AK as some of my questions were answered there but also, as a keyboard player, the feel of any keys on a synth is not something I assume, regardless of the company.
Ask any guitarist how personal the “feel” of many aspects to the guitar before even considering strings, spacing, etc…so Sweetwater is a daytrip away from me on neighboring State and will be wanting to get my hands on the keys, feel the aftertouch response and of course hear in -person, my ears, the enhanced filter resonance and since already have an A4 I intend to keep, this all is to fully justify having both…and get my MnM Mk1 out of the closet and have a lot of fun!!

Valve Time…

When I first saw the product presentation video of the OT, I though f**k thats the best way of selling a machine I ever saw… regardless of wanting or not to buy I thought it was a clear success in terms of selling… something…

I don´t agree either with this marketing idea, and I understand that this behaviour might make many people stressed or unhappy… Is too close to christams to play with this sort of thing xD… we love this gear so much that… the frosted glass box seems like a bad joke from a friend… but it should finish soon… or is not funny any more lolol…

At the same time it´s working for them and creating more expectation… I like the idea of a mixer with FX and p-locks, a “dBlue Glitch” hardware device with “Mastering” section… as this would extremely usefull for many many different users… but I think that in a way, we are talking about an improved Octatrack… a variation of something existing…

Despite my needs, Id like to see something new… something to say, I wouldnt expect that… but in the videos Ive seen, there is clearly some sort of fancy colorfull matrix in one side… maybe secuencer, maybe analog drum machine… good I dont have money to spend…

Like some people said, I wouldnt hold for it, as the rest of the gear still will be awsome, and whatever it is it wont step over the other ones…

Lets see…
Happy winter solstice!!

Stop buying equipment all together!
Whatever company you buy from… Next year they will release a new product that will make you grumpy 'bout the shortcomings of your recent purchase :sob:

Sorry…couldn’t help it
Rejoice brethren you got wonderfull machines
Don’t expect new stuff from your old stuff…and if you get it anyway - rejoice!

As an analog 4 owner the AK has no interest for me really. If the new box is a drum machine or a new multi timbral synth with sequencer then I’m interested.

Just pulled the trigger on a MnM to go with my OT & A4. There haven’t been any reasonable suggestions for what the new box may be that make me worried that I shouldn’t have brought a MnM into the mix. It’s not as if the new box is likely to be a six track digital synth. I guess maybe I would have been more wary if my next purchase was going to have been a MD.

When they say the new box won’t compete with the existing line, does an analog drum machine with pads “compete” with the MD? Does the AK compete with the A4?