How many are holding off buying A4 Keys until

Elektron reveals the machine under the box.

I know I am holding off buying an A4 Keys because of what mystery lurks underneath that frosted plexiglass.

If I were Elektron, I would reveal ASAP in order to avoid any potentially lost sales. I almost bit on a cool bit of gear on a famous auction website today while waiting for the next Elektron. I held off, but barely. That purchase would have put on hold any plans to either an A4 or the next machine.

Well I stay off buying keys these days, so I will not buy A4 keys.
· Already have the desktop version and I do not need a deeper bass because most of the people who listening to music uses shitty speakers/monitors anyway. Therefore, they will not be available to hear a deeper fine-tuned bass :slight_smile:

Therefore, I will wait and see this new friend of Elektron :slight_smile:

I’m kinda in that boat.
I’ve got a couple things I’ve got my eye on that are off the table till they announce the new one.
Personally hoping for an analog drum machine with 4x4 pads but I’ll most likely want whatever it is.

I just ordered a MnM so I’m not holding off (I don’t want an AK). Originally I was going to wait, but I got a killer deal on it, and will be able to sell it for at least what I paid if I absolutely must have whatever their new toy is and can’t keep the MnM for some reason.

I’m holding back from buying an Elysia Xpressor and Overstayer Instrument Driver until the new box is revealed. Chop chop, Elektron.

Nice to see that I’m not alone in holding from buying an elektron. I’ve been waiting patiently but this “very very soon” reveal is starting to be a later than sooner.
Some people are saying it won’t be shown until namm…we get it elektron, you like to be mysterious but please, do so in moderation. I’m sure the wait will be worth it :slight_smile:

You’re going to want that Instrument Driver.

I’m waiting for the new new.

there is a facebook event where they will be doing the announcement for the announcement

The Facebook announcement will be under frosted glass.

Holding off until I break or drop the cash on something else and regret it.

I was thinking that there must be some sort of problem with whatever it is that they’re working on, because it’s already “holiday shopping season”, and they haven’t yet revealed whatever it is that they have that’s going to make you part with your money. I would think that Elektron would have revealed whatever juicy new product they have, at the highest point of the retail year if they could.

Everyone will be gald that Elektron took their time to make whatever it is they’re coming out with PERFECT before they released it.

I think that rather than building anticipation, the way this has all been handled, is starting to piss people off.

Difficult choice or me, an overgrown flashing Christmas decoration tied up with a toilet chain, or a sub phatty? Elektron love only goes so far. The moog sale lasts until the 19th I think, so that’s my deadline.

As I'm having a bit of a moan, can someone tell OTO to get a move on as well, cheers!

I would have waited for the new machine over the A4 Keys but I spent the money I had on a black Friday deal on an Octatrack. I needed a sampler a lot more than another synth or mystery machine, but they got my money anyway.

I would suggest to anyone with this dilemma to just wait and see what the new machine is. I have some bad gear lust so I understand. But just wait till all of your options are in front of you. You will make a better decision and feel better about it without the guessing and possible regret.


it could be the case that what will pi** people off is if the new machine does not live up to expectations, either functionally or price-wise.

If people have been holding off because they were expecting an analog drum synth and instead what we get is some sort of sequenced mixer with p-locks, quite a few will be upset they put off purchasing other gear in the meantime.

There is a difference between building anticipation and building false hype. For those of us with a limited gear budget due to Christmas, strategizing gear purchases necessetates knowledge of what’s to come. I’m still sort of kicking myself for not scooping up that auctioned piece of gear yesterday.

Lol, no thanks waste of time to make such :slight_smile: just get a mpc or Roland sp! :slight_smile:

Yeah, not a huge fan of this hype. It’s just cheesy & lame. As someone who cares about new Elektron gear, this has all become annoying.

I’d be cool with a plock mixer.

Kinda starting to hope it is some sort of mixer/fx box, that way I likely won’t be wanting it (unless it’s absolutely mind-blowing). Only allowing myself two Elektron boxes, you see :slight_smile:

Of course, if it winds up being the MnM’s slutty best friend, then I’m going to have some thinking to do.