How many monthly listeners do you have on Spotify?

If you don’t use Spotify because [insert 3,000 character, cranky explanation here] that’s totally cool, but not what this thread is for. I’m just curious what kind of metrics forum users are seeing in the platform.

I’ll start by saying I currently have zero monthly listeners. I sometimes wonder whether I should remove my music altogether, but I mean…what’s the point.

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Well, here’s my profile, so not a lot. However I don’t think it counts for much because Spotify tends to lift up the stuff that is already getting a lot of attention, not necessarily shine light on things that aren’t getting any.

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How many do you need a month to be able to pay for your Spotify subscription?

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I think usually 30-40 ish for me

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no idea. don’t even know how to check. only put up stuff on spotify a while ago… or was it 6 months ago? idk. it seems like a void to me.

  1. never push it here. NOT meant to be a cranky explanation.
    Glo Phase | Spotify

About 1500. But only because three tracks made it into the biggest trip hop playlist on spotify.
Otherwise it would be much less


I recently checked my account and couldn’t believe it. 250000. That’s much more than most of the artists I listen to.
I need to discuss this with my label, but from what I understand, labels usually involve marketing agencies or whatever that can boost your account a lot. I’m not talking about bots, these listener are real, but I believe it’s stuff like being placed in trendy playlists and stuff like that.


Ha, I had the same with one of my tracks. Suddenly at 1300 listeners per month :upside_down_face:

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Does my mum count?

Only joking, my mum doesn’t listen to my music.


I have 12 currently… but I also purposefully try to share my bandcamp and other platforms first and lastly spotify. I wouldn’t feel bad about it though, its there incase someone wants it. End of the day you could make the next Cbat for all you know :sweat_smile:

Around 2.4 million.


I’m currently close to 700 - and I’m a bit surprised :smiley: I used to have something like five listeners or so… But I got added to a playlist and this made some difference.

Maybe I should go and post in the ‘when did you give up on being successful’ thread.

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Playlists make all the difference. I think for small artists it often makes more sense to send demos to playlist owners instead of lables these days.
There are a lot of playlist owners on platforms on submithub as well.
All about spotify is super strange.

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3, but then again my band released an EP like four years ago and have been dormant since. Can’t blame people for not having us on heavy rotation

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Congrats, you’re twice as good as múm!

That said I do find the dichotomy between monthly listeners and name recognition to be fascinating. Case in point I have a friend who’s pop country band has 950k monthly listeners on Spotify. No one I come across has heard of them, and you never see them talked about in music press, on message boards or review websites. Compare that to bands like Television and Big Star who each have have relatively low traffic on streaming platforms, but a whole army of fervent fans discussing them in books, magazines and film documentaries.

An even more extreme example would be Robert Ashley. Spotify says he has less than 2,000 monthly listeners, but searching his name on Google would have you believe he was one of the most beloved musical visionaries of the 20th century, even if (apparently) no one actually listens to his music.

Passionate discussion, reputation and respect in a scene does not always translate to hard metrics. I find it to be pretty interesting.


It seems to always hover around 40. Sitting at 37 right now. You can check it out if you’re into deep, minimal, housey stuff :man_shrugging:

About 4. And I suspect they’re all myself while drunk.