How many times a day do you check this forum?

Ever since I bought 3 pieces of Elektron I feel like I’m here every time I check my phone.Even when have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night… I’d say 20x a day for me… Always learning something.

Too often, as well as a few other synth forums-pretty much any time I’m in front of a screen. I’ve had a bad internet/forum addiction for years. I’m actually thinking I may force myself to take a hiatus, because I realize that I’m spending way too much time online talking about music and gear, and it is too much of a distraction from actually making music.


i wish there were more opportunity for collaboration and exercises through sound.

there used to be a thing called “mixit” and “quixit” via where you’d either have a month (mixit) or 24 hours (quixit) to make a track out of samples, and only the samples, supplied by the community. it was a terrific lil’ practice that helped to hone your skills (i.e. sound design, mixing, etc). i really miss it.

it’d be cool to get something similar going. maybe have an irc channel to communicate and designate a time to start/end. the mixit had a simple website to ensure tracks were submitted in time. the quixit was born through that and everyone usually met in an irc channel to start/end it.

in any case, silly habits like checking phones/forums/socialmedia etc, is oh so nasty and dangerous.

let’s find other ways to come together!


i wish there were more opportunity for collaboration and exercises through sound.

there used to be a thing called “mixit” and “quixit” via where you’d either have a month (mixit) or 24 hours (quixit) to make a track out of samples, and only the samples, supplied by the community. it was a terrific lil’ practice that helped to hone your skills (i.e. sound design, mixing, etc). i really miss it.

it’d be cool to get something similar going. maybe have an irc channel to communicate and designate a time to start/end. the mixit had a simple website to ensure tracks were submitted in time. the quixit was born through that and everyone usually met in an irc channel to start/end it.

in any case, silly habits like checking phones/forums/socialmedia etc, is oh so nasty and dangerous.

let’s find other ways to come together!
I think this is a great idea. On the Reddit subforums r/makinghiphop and r/edmproduction there are weekly/monthly sample pack competitions where someone uploads a bunch of samples and you are challenged with making a track with just those samples. We could do something like that here, with samples or kits (for the Elektron gear that doesn’t utilize samples) using only sounds made by other users. One thing this place is missing from Elektron-Users is the Lab competitions, although there have been a few, but more interaction would be nice.
To get back to the original topic tho, this place is a wormhole. I always want to see what new ideas people are coming up with for their gear and to help people figure out their problems. Certainly one of the better forums out there IMHO.

I actually feel like I don’t come on here enough.
Too much time on facebook looking at pictures of kittens…

But really, this place is a gem and I probably miss out on top tips and inspirations that could prove beneficial if I dropped by a few times a week.

(sticking into bookmarks bar after this post)

I’ve tailed off the past year… elektron-users was a better forum I think for various reasons, this one I’m not so hot on anymore. Still check in from time to time but… not the same as it used to be.

A lot of key users from EU dropped off for various reasons, and I think that has had a negative impact. Lots of new faces, fewer experienced users, more bitching and less creative insight. I don’t see any reason why we can’t continue here from where EU left off, but the mood has certainly changed. I keep coming back because Elektron gives me wood and there are few other places I can revel in that. :wink:

I come here way too often, wish there were more posts… Miss the eu days when it was just the mm and md, I can’t even remember any bitching back then…

I too come here way too often lol.
Miss EU but there’re some great people here & a lot of positives.

Yeah, as a sometime user (and previous user of EU in my MD/MM days) I have to say that the overall vibe I get from this forum is good.
It’s just great to have a community of folks that are really into their stuff in a non-stuffy way. I love the all round enthusiasm and helpfulness.

It’s never gonna be what it used to be, but that can be said for everything. If the bitching can be contained without bitching back, then it’ll get naturally flushed out because there isn’t anything for it to stick to.

Be Teflon my friends :astonished:

(went a bit cyberspace Bruce Lee at the end there, apologies)

:smiley: :smiley:

pretty much every time i’m online, there’s always a browser window open with the forum loaded and that’s pretty much every day :astonished:

it would be really nice to have something going on: collaborations, contests, compilations…it would definitely make things more active and it would help spend less time on the forum and more time on the machines.
we could do something like: make a track a week for say, four weeks and at the end there could be a compilation of tracks we could share on the internet or sell it to buy some more coffee for the moderators :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
i guess it’s just a matter of getting things started and (hopefully) the others will follow

edit: a week perhaps is not much…let’s say a couple :slight_smile:

I think having an irc channel that we can always log into to char and coordinate things would be best.

there’s already a channel but it’s pretty much always empty :expressionless:

I only check it once a day if that, and I’m on the internet a lot.

It’s just not active enough to where I can’t get caught up even with a week or so of absence.

As such, I tend to post on here more than others hoping to spur some discussion (though trying to avoid back-and-forth).

I also really dislike the forum software - so I also kind of actively avoid it because it can be so unpleasant.

Rarely, Elektron Users forum was much easier to navigate and post, on ipad this forum is almost unusable for me. I also do not like all the wasted space, tiny fonts and colour scheme.