How much is the +Drive worth?

Is it worth the high price of installation? I got my hands on a 2nd hand MD UW MKII with no +. The installation of the drive would cost about 0.65 times the price i paid for the machine. Will it get 0.65 times better? My units might be off. Maybe i should rephrase: Will i get 0.65 times more machine?

For storing samples, sure. For .65 the worth, eh, I don’t know.

I owned an mki MNM for 5 years before I got an mkii(w/o +drive). I recently upgraded to a +drive, and feel like I’d be fine without it since I backup so often.

Anyhoo, I’d skip it for a bit.

Use it without the upgrade till you hit the limitation of not having it. Then, you’ll have a better sense of its worth.

The price to upgrade is a ripoff. If you want the +drive, you’re much better off selling your machinedrum and just rebuying another one that already has a plus drive.

i wouldnt do it … everybody above me has made good points!

Wow, no doubt about it. Great, thanks a lot for clarifying.

This was the same dilemma I was in when I upgraded with my MNM. A lot easier to resell and get one with a +drive rather than upgrade.

I would say it gets 128 times better.

I wonder how much the actual parts involved cost? I don’t know everything that goes into an install, but it’d be great if parts were offered sans install for those savvy enough or risk-takers who are well out of warranty.

Baddcr makes a good point. It’s not that Elektron are mega expensive, it’s the system. There’s 25 % vat in a Sweden then on top of that they’ll pay tax on any profits.
That makes the +Drive expensive but Elektron will barely be taking 2/3 what you pay. Factor in materials, manufacturing, wages, R&D, warehousing etc. (yeah that’s tax deductible but they have to front it before they can claim it back), baffles me how they produce such high end gear at the price they do!

Back on point, if your an on the fly type I wouldn’t bother with the +drive.
If you want lots of storage it’s worth having.

They are profitable, even though not making loads of money. 6,91 % margin on a turnaround of around 72 million SEK (roughly 860 000 USD).

Good to see they make a profit, makes way for future cool stuff from them :slight_smile:

A machinedrum without +drive is easier to manage. You have 1 samplebank and 1 set of patterns.

With the +drive you have many samplebanks and many sets of patterns. You have to remember what samplebank you have to use for your patterns. Or you need some kind of system…

My point is that the machinedrum without +drive is a much easier instrument. Having to manage the samplebanks hinders the creative flow a bit.

EDIT: I did some reading. Apparently the problem that I pointed out isn’t a problem if you use snapshots. When you load a snapshot it loads the patterns and selects the samplebank;

That is an interesting point. I’m actually looking to do the +drive upgrade, but I’m interested in using the MD as a live instrument, so ease of use is key.
Must do some read up on snapshots before I pull the trigger…

IMO the snapshots don’t make the MD any more complex at all. You’re unlikely to be swapping between different snapshots mid-set.
Personally, I like being able to keep a saved snapshot of the patterns and kits for a live set for easy recall. That way I can mess them up royally over the course of a performance and then be able to go back to the stable saved state when I’ve finished.

Fuseball makes a good comment re: saving patterns via snapshot.
That’s the main reason i would like to update to +drive also. If only they added an option to save/not save patterns and allow reloading of patterns as well as kits wouldn’t really care. Not part of the general elektron philosophy though looking at all their other machines.

Unfortunately i bought my mduwmk2 new just before the +drive was announced, and simply couldn’t justify the extra $ after release. Hasn’t been a deal breaker, and selling then upgrading 2nd hand will be the cheapest option as the uwmk2 seems to go for not much less than. Just hard to let go of my particular machine as i know its life well, & haven’t seen elvis yet;)

Yeah, funny like that how you start to think about these machines, been thinking the same thing - I love my little box, would be really hard to part with it…

I dont use Oneshot samples to the 2.5mb memory only loops (two or three max)(here is an example ). These loops are the backbone of the whole tracks. Without the loops no tracks. I use only the machinedrum machines for drums because of the control all function for glitch and complex rythms …so these 2 or 3 loops are essential for the tracks to be played correctly. I organise my stuff kit+patterns+samples per track and i backup them for future live performances (when i get the + upgrade).

I am reaching the memory limitation of the machinedrum in every track

Because of that i have a big library of sysex.
In my mind and by the way i am backing them up i am thinking that if i get the upgrade every track of mine is one of the 128 snapshots. (is that correct?)

The Question to the owners of the +Drive models is about the transition from snapshot to snapshot in a live situation. Is it relliable? Are there any fatal glitchies during the transition (fatal that it must restart the machine)? I am not playing in a four on the floor djing style so my buildups for the transition can stop for some seconds.

In my case is it worth to do the upgrade? If i can load all my tracks one by one i can make many hours live performance with this ONLY. Will the machinedrum break the memory limitation and became the center of my performance?

@jahjahshit – switching snapshots is completely reliable in my experience. haven’t had a problem yet, touch wood. as long as you don’t mind the slight pause it causes – as you say you don’t – you’ll be fine. and yes you could perform 128 songs the way you describe.

i don’t think elektron is offering the upgrade anymore (someone correct me if i’m wrong) but if you could find a plus drive and install it yourself you’d be all set.

nice track btw, i don’t hear much trap around here.

any hint where i can find one?

They still offer the upgrade - i was considering it … i think it would be very handy, cos like you jahjahshit i work with loops and build tracks around them.

I was storing/sampling the loops in my Korg KP3 then sampling them back in when i needed to use them – - not a very smooth workflow.

They quoted me £232.00 GBP (exc. VAT) - (£290 inc. VAT i think) i’m not sure if there is a labour charge included in that and you have to account for shipping to Sweden which is about £80.00 fully insured.

I’m thinking it may not be worth it - i could sell my old machine - get about £650/£700 for it… then add the rest towards getting a brand new MDUW+

Brand new with 3 years warranty…