How Save

I make a Sound on the analog 4 and i pass it to machinedrum, but when i Shot Down my machinedrum the Sound just disappears. How can i Save this Sound on the machine drum?

How were you trying to pass the sound from the Analog Four to the Machinedrum? If you describe your process in more detail, we will better be able to help you.

One possibility might be that you are trying to record the audio output from the AF into a MD-UW using the RAM Record machines. If so, you would need to copy the sound from RAM to a ROM machine using the procedure described on pages 71 and 72 of the MD manual.

I have connect the output cable on the AF and the Input on the MD. After i go on FX Button and i turn up the J and E too 100. i Chose One MAchine RAM to recebe the Sound. Then on the page Synthesis i Switch the CUE to 127. After i hold the Button on the AF and at the Same Time the Button on the MD where i want the Sound. I Chose One RAM Playback to Play the Sound Again. I go to the page routing and i Switch the DIST to 127 or -. Its possible in another Way? If yes, which One? After i read the page 71 72 when i Shut down the MD the Sound still working.


you can live record into the MD … afterwards you must save the Rom Slot in the Machine Drum, to keep the recorded sample from the A4 permanently

It’s difficult for me to understand what you are asking, and I don’t have an AF myself to check what you are writing.

However, my understanding is that on the FX track of the AF, knobs E and J only adjust the level of the external audio inputs to the AF, which I don’t think is relevant to your needs.

On the MD, the value of the DIST setting on the Routing page will affect the sound of what is being played back, but you should be able to choose any value for it that you want, according to your personal preference.

Perhaps I have misunderstood what you wrote, in which case forgive me. What is your native language? Perhaps we can find a forum member who can help you out better than I can.

Record the sample into a RAM machine.
Go into the sample manager of the MD.
Find the ram sample at the bottom of the sample list.
Hold function and hit record to copy the sample.
Now scroll up to another slot in ROM.
Hold function and hit Stop to paste the sample.

Now your sample is saved in ROM.

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