How Syntakt compares to Rytm MK2?

What’s your pros/cons ?

I have both and I will keep both. Together they rapidly grew to be my main synths/drums. Got many other elektron boxes.

soooooo… differences:
Even if you take the machines that are the same (the analogues of the syntakt), they only sound similiar when NOTHING is afterwards like the rytm overdrive/kompressor or the syntakt drive.

the compressor/overdrive combination of the rytm sounds (in my ears) WAY huger than the syntakt with it´s overdrive (which is a totally different overdrive in my ears. Really good to hear that is when you test the dualvco on both. They have the same sound, but the overdrives/compressor on the rytm makes it unbelivabel fat. But on the other side the syntakt has 2 lfos, so the soundforming has many other possibilitys there.

So. Yes. Some machines are the same, but all in all they are completly different beasts because everything inside the devices what comes AFTER the machines. One can handle samples too, the other has a good amount of synth machines and 2 lfos and so on.

I use them both for different purposes at the same time. And I´m happy! :slight_smile:


Worth reading:


Can you use the sequencer of the ST/DT/DN toward the Rytm ? Using ST triggers to control parameters in the Rytm ?

Using ST triggers to control parameters in the Rytm ?

Yes. With a Syntakt midi track for example :wink:

And yes, you Can use the sequencer of the ST/DT/DN toward the AR but I don’t get the point :thinking:

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One thing that makes up for only 1 LFO per track on the RYTM is that if you use Bitwig or Ableton (perhaps other DAWs as well, but these are the only two I know of) you can use unlimited modulation (LFOs, other modulation tools) when using overbridge. So I wouldn’t pick ST over RYTM if LFOs is the primary consideration if your DAW has this feature with overbridge.


Well wouldnt it mean you can use the lfos from the ST/DT/DN on the Rytm too ?

Off course you can !

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Great question that I am asking myself… but I do love the separate physical outs on rytm.

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I have both.
Rytm mk2 feels more like an instrument than the Syntakt, it’s way more performative on the fly, which is what I go for personally.

The Perf pads, the quick Perf control, the scenes, the Mute pads… these are the main performance tools the Rytm has over the Syntakt.

I prefer the Rytm sound too, as others have said, the Master/FX options it has make it sound any way you want it to.

I like the Syntakt, but I get the same feeling from it as I get with the Digitakt, where a lot of the work I have to put in to make music is in the programming/sequencing/organising of it… I think the ctrl-all is cheesy now, so that’s just mutes left as a performance/improv option.

I like/prefer the Kits approach of the Rytm too.


I like the larger pads of the Rytm better but small size has advantages on the newer Elektron boxes.

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This is a great post. I’m curious about a few things you mentioned.

What specifically do you like about the master fx? When I first learned about it only being on master channel I saw it as a con for that limitation.

Same thing goes for the Ctrl All…how is that cheesy? I always felt like that was another shortcoming.

Last thing, can you explain more about why you like the Kits approach?

Don’t get me wrong, I love my milk, but I’m hoping you can change my perspective a bit. I might be missing something in my approach. I’m genuinely interested in your thoughts here.

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Hello there, I think I can answer you (didn’t have a syntakt but I’ve played a lot with eletron gear).

Ctrl All = cheesy . In fact even if it’s seems cool to alter a lot of sounds in the same time using this fonction, it’s a lot less subtil and customizable than a perf mode (analog four, analog rytm or octatrack) where you can set a lot of intricated modulation, example lower the filter cultoff of a sound when at the same time make the decay longer for another track and so on.

This gives an exponential power comparing to Ctrl all .

And concerning the kit approach, it’s more liberty again here. You can have a set a 3 pattern fore example the into of your song, where you’re manipulating sounds and have seamless transitions from pattern to pattern, whereas using one of the more recent machines force you to have some kind of abrupt transition, because when you swith from one pattern to the other, the sound changes automatically too.

Forgive me if It’s not clear, I’m french ^^


The digitone keys can also most of what the rytm does with it’s assignable knobs and wheels… each wheel can control four parameters of a specific amount. You can set it all up to get really crazy.

Ah so it adds 8 tracks, analog circuits, sampler abilities ? :content:
And AR perf macros can control several tracks, so I don’t agree…

When I listen to the sound examples from Elektron’s site embedded in the webpage, the Rytm definitely has a louder, more “3D” and “jumps out of the speakers” sound than the Syntakt. Even when I crank the volume on the Syntakt’s page to match the Rytm it doesn’t seem to have quite the same umph.

I want to love the Syntakt, but something doesn’t particularly do it for me, and I can’t put my finger on it. On paper, it’s awesome, to use, it’s awesome and fast, but there’s something about the sound and parameter options that leave me hanging. The sound feels muddy at times and a little dull, as if there’s not enough high end frequencies. The LFO destinations for sort of unique patches seem limited, they often lead to bloopy ARP 2600 R2D2 pitch shifts because there doesn’t seem to be a lot of sculpting available.

Yes, it’s a drum machine first and synth second, but, I don’t know. As a drum machine, I’d definitely take the Rytm. As a groove box, I think the Syntakt has a slight edge. Guess it depends on what you need and I’m thinking I need a drum machine.