How to avoid triggering CC output via incoming notes

I’m a little confused about CCs and I hope someone can clear this up for me.

I have a MIDI track triggering some function on an external device by sending CC#103 using two trigs. One with parameter-locked value 85 and one with 127. Looping that in a pattern gives me the output values 85, 127, 85, 127, …etc

I then have a MIDI keyboard connected using MIDI control channel 11.

Whenever I have the MIDI track selected and play a note on my keyboard, the OT will send out CC#103 at whatever the parameter (default) value is set at on that track. So for example, if the parameter for CC#103 is set to 0, playing notes gives me output values like: 85, 0, 127, 0, 85, 0, 127, etc…

The OT seems to output a CC value only if it is different from the last one (which makes sense), so playing multiple notes will not output multiple zeros in a row.

How can I avoid incoming MIDI notes causing the output of default CC values on that track? I have tried different trig mode settings, but these don’t make a difference.

I am not sure but this could be normal behaviour, while triggering notes with keyboard through OT midi track you trig them together with values set for activated CC#.

Maybe adding another midi track with the same settings but without CC#103 activated just to play notes through active track…?

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Which OT firmware version are you using?

Which channel number is set for Auto Channel in the PROJECT > MIDI > CHANNELS menu?

Which MIDI note mapping (see Appendix C of the manual) are you using?

Which MIDI sequencer track are you using on the OT and what MIDI channel number is it set to transmit on?

Which MIDI Note values are you sending from your external keyboard?

I’m using 1.40A. The auto channel is set to 11, and that’s also what my keyboard is sending on.

Which channel number is set for Auto Channel in the PROJECT > MIDI > CHANNELS menu?

I have all trig channels set to OFF.

Which MIDI note mapping (see Appendix C of the manual) are you using?

The MIDI note mapping I believe is not relevant because that is about audio tracks, and my question is only concerning MIDI tracks.

Which MIDI sequencer track are you using on the OT and what MIDI channel number is it set to transmit on?

I am using MIDI track 2 and it sends the data out on channel 2.

Which MIDI Note values are you sending from your external keyboard?

I’m playing a melody on the keyboard, so any note values really. All incoming note values give the same behavior; send out the values for the MIDI CC numbers that are active/configured.

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