How to backup my Digitone completely?


Because of oddities of life, I have to part with my Digitone temporarely.
, I need to save my projects and patches to my computer, so I can dump them into my future Digitone.

How do I do this?

I remember sysex librarian skipping stuff while extracting from the Digitone.
Is there an Elektron tool I can use instead?

You seem to already be aware that you can dump data as SysEx files to a computer.

If SysEx Librarian is unsuitable for you (which surprises me) then, depending on your computer’s operating system you may be able to run Elektron’s old C6 application.

There should be many other applications (like DAWs) that are capable of storing SysEx data.

C6 doesn’t work here.

I tried backing it up months ago, but sysex lib skipped plenty.
I believe the speed was too fast but I couldnt get it to work / slow it down

Can I not do this with Overbridge?