How to combine sample banks/add samples to current bank

hey MD brain - is there any way to add samples to my current sample bank from another? I have 2 sample banks with only a few samples so would have space left to add more…

any chance I don’t have to hook the MD up to my laptop and can do this within the MD?

You can copy / paste samples from within the sample manager (func + rec / play). You’d have to copy / paste one at a time and swap back and forth between sample banks, so it could take a while, but it is doable.
I would copy the fewest samples into the larger bank to save time.

You could copy and paste from bank to bank, or you could save the current bank as a new bank with a new name, and build on that.

This is all covered extensively in the user manual, and will probably be easier to read than trying to piece all the information together from forum posts (or you can wait around until someone posts the solution for you). It is quite easy to do with the CS software from Elektron (free) but yes, you will need to plug into a computer to add additional waveforms/samples to your machine.

thanks - I didn’t even think copy/paste would work after jumping to a different bank. but yea - 'spose I’ll just hook it up to my laptop to save some time
cheers for your help!

copy / paste works almost everywhere, adapting to whichever mode you are in, which is really handy.