How to combine several devices -- OT, DT Keys, AK

I’m new to a DAW-less setup and sequencing and need advice. I haven’t been able to figure this one out, so I thought I’d ask here: I have an OT, DT Keys, AK, and I want to run them into my Mac for play-back on my monitors as well as recording in Ableton Live. Currently all that I have is an Audient EVO 4 (2 inputs) and an Analog Heat (2 inputs, but I’d rather use this as a plugin). How can I have the OT, DT, and AK all playing at the same time into my monitors as well as Ableton Live? Is this even possible with my current setup?

If your interface only has two inputs, plug OTs main out into it and use Overbridge for AK and DN Keys.

You could also feed DN Keys into your AK and then into OT and go from OT into your interface, but then you can’t record them simultaniously on individual tracks.


midi merger or midi thru boxes are great help

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OK I follow what you’re saying – but can’t there only be one instance of Overbridge per Ableton Session? Or is that one session per device – like, one instance of AH, one of DN Keys, one of AK?

Would this allow me to get all three device’s sound-out though?

An overbridge engine which can open several “machines” in Vst
and therefore yes you will have everything in separate …
(not for OT! It need Audio input in the computer)


Right, OT would be the L/R in – and then I can have separate instances of Overbridge for AH, DN, and AK all running at the same time?

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Of Course, that’s the power of overbridge. :grinning:

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Gotcha, that sounds like the solution. Thanks for your help!

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