How to connect everything, midi/usb/overbridge

Hey, in need of some more brainpower in order to figure out how to best route all of my current gear.

So i have a:
Virus ti
Analog heat
volca keys

Iconnect midi4+
Quadra thru from kenton.

As well as a mixer and some effects and ofc tons of midi cables…

My plan is to use the op-1 as the control surface for ableton and i would like if i could sequence most of my gear (except maybe rytm and a4) both from my octatrack and ableton.

Now im a bit unsure of how to route all of this together in the most efficient way. I dont regularly use overbridge except for with the heat so you dont really have to take regard to using it, although i might ofcourse start doing it in the future so any tips considering that would also be helpful.

How would you go about this?

Thanks in beforehand.

Hello my friend, that’s a lot of gear you want to connect but should be doable. I think getting the Iconnect configured correctly and all the individual midi settings of the gear will be trickier than the cabling. I can slowly help point you in the right direction and others will probably chime in…
Some more info that would help:
What’s your understanding of the basic midi settings of all of your gear?
Have you used iconfig at all for the iconnect, how well do you know that?
Do you have a usb hub for the Iconnect and how many ports does it have?
How many of your devices are midi din only(no usb midi)
How many of your devices are usb midi only(no midi din)
Are any of your usb midi devices not class compliant?

Ive got everything working atm through configuring a bit in iconfig. The octatrack is the master and The clock throughout everything is somewhat stable

However i have routed the octatrack through the midi port 1 on the inconfig and then only have an out going from port 2 midi on the iconnect to the quadra thru syncing everything else. I can probably sequence everything as it is right now but this does not feel like the proper way of doin it and least to say i get the notion that the clock is off more than necessery.

Appreciate any other rutin suggestions :slight_smile:

If you get more stuff connected directly to the iconnect, you can configure it to split the clock to all the other connections, alleviating any lags caused by midi thru or soft thru… This also would apply to midi sequencer data from OT…

Do you have any experience of syncing with both USB and midi and any problems you may encounter?

Since the rytm and a4 both have USB i’ll try to stick with that for those two, same with op-1 and hopefully minitaur as well. However I’m not sure of the tr-09 and tb-03 with USB and if it works well or not, I have some memories of reading threads saying that there are some issues doing it?

For the rest i’ll try to route it with midi, the ports should be enough.

Thank you for your help, just got the iconnect and have only been doing OTB before :slight_smile:

Edit: Forgot to mention that I right now have my overhub into the computer and not the iconnect, is there any chance that this may affect the clock sync? In other words should I try to route everything through the iconnect and then into the computer?

I’ve had no problems tightly syncing various din and usb midi devices from OT, all connected to iconnect4+. More syncing issues come up once you start using OB or other devices that use usb for both audio and midi, because of not only midi timing but the different processing times of mixer, audio interface, and usb audio streaming gear.
There’s a lot of ways to go with this, If I were you I’d first attach everything to the iconnect without using OB or other usb streaming, and establish a tight sync. Once that was done if I wanted to use OB/usb audio I’d work out one at a time, researching the various ways to compensate audio/midi sync…
Overhub is overkill for the Iconnects host port, it’s best used to connect Elektrons directly to computer for audio as it is a special kind of hub.
You can attach a standard up to 8 port usb hub to the Iconnect to attach midi gear that is “class compliant” meaning it works without needing a driver. This port will not pass usb audio but will tightly sync usb midi gear from OT.
If the TR and TB are not class compliant, they won’t work attached to the iconnect, and will need to be hooked up to a computer or use dins if they have them.
Lot of gear and can get confusing but in the process of getting it working should all become simpler…
Hope this info helps…

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