How to create sound "x"

I regard myself as somewhat experienced with a Machinedrum but realised today I don’t know how I would make hard bassdrum like on this track: (best heard towards the end)

Anyone want to give it a shot? I think I would start with the EFM BD for the thump but there’s also a mid-range gnarl and I’m not sure how to combine these into a cohesive sound.

Also, if there is interest for such a thread, I’m thinking people could post similar questions here for discussion and tips.

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I’m by no means an expert so take this with a grain of salt.
I think the main trick to get this kick is getting the pitch envelope just right to get this sort of hard slappy sound that still has a lot of body. Start of with a tuning that you like and then go back and forth fine tuning the pitch and the pitch envelope until satisfied. The gnarl could come from some slight overdrive although I’m not sure the od on the md would get you there. Maybe add a slight touch of srr.

Also no expert, but I guess you could probably achieve something in this direction with layering various sounds/kicks. I’d go with the B2 for the Body of the Kick, the DIST on the Source page can easily go into some good territory for this. To achieve the “mid-range gnarl” I would try to layer a second B2 filtering out the low-end with the filter and EQF&EQG, boost up the noise on Source page and fiddle around with the amplitude gain maybe a grain of SRR.
I will try to achieve a kick in that manner once I am back home.
But yeah, thread Idea is great, once in a while I also have sounds I stumble upon where I do wonder how these have been made. Lately I’ve been quite intrigued by the drums of this song from 1:25-1:48 ^^ (most likely an accoustic drum-kit, i suppose?)