How to get 0 latency in Ableton?

Hi all,

I know how to get about 0 latency from the “External Instrument” device from Ableton and record it into a Audio track.

I like the idea of Overbridge a lot. But always I stopped trying when the latency is around 50 ms. Therefor I need to go into the recordings and move it around. Does someone has a step by step solution for this? So I have 8 audio tracks for the Digitakt. Pres play in ableton the internal sequencer of the Digitakt does the job. And then the timing is spot on.

Thnx in advance.

External instrument has a “hardware latency” setting for this kind of things. But I prefer recording without that, then setting track delay manually, because that’ll always be more exact (hard to know actual latency beforehand). I dont really use Overbridge (or my Digitakt) now that much but this is how I was doing it, I moved into my DAW for sequencing as if you end up in a DAW anyway that makes a lot more sense.

This is a really excellent video on the subject and the one that finally helped me appreciate the science behind latency in Live. Hope it helps.


Yeah Seed to Stage. I know this one. Thnx for sharing. But I can fix these issue’s. But Overbridge wont let me do this. Every other hardware equipment I can get spot on.

Yeah I have fine experiences with the External Instrument. Is spot on for me per project. And yeah I like to sequence from a DAW aswell. But why I ask is that I use the DT as a sketchbook. And sometimes the ideas and sounds are nice. So I want to record them seperatly per track. And with Overbridge you could do this in one take for 8 seperate tracks. But it is a pain in the arse to manualy shift every track back as you can’t set any latency delay for that track that I am aware of

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They’ll have the same latency, you just shift them together.

Actually instead of recording in live, I’m just recording in the standalone app and then import to live. Works best for me. :man_shrugging:

Would be great to have zero latency into live. Have you tried different buffer sizes and sample rates?

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Do you have plugin delay compensation enabled in Live? I thought when i tried this recording approach a while back i got neatly synced recordings.

Will try it later this week. Where can I find this?

In the menu bar.

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Options menu specifically.
It’s usually on by default though, but who knows.

Unfortunately it didn’t work :frowning:

Had the same big issues with overbridge (ca 30ms).
I installed expert sleepers usamo clock, all overbridge devices „no sync“, delay compensation off, monitor „off“ from the incoming (recording) audio channel = tight & on-grid!

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I also use an external sync box (E-RM Multiclock) which clocks the Elektrons, OB set to “no sync”, but I have Ableton delay compensation set to “on”. OB audio is spot-on the grid. I suppose whatever sync magic Elektron uses in OB is shut off when “no sync” is used, so this setup is probably no different than just using audio in without OB.

Sync issues are notoriously hard to sort out. Best of luck.

Yeah it is like a black box for me. And not something I enjoy finding out & because of time management I then deinstall OB and just record stems again because I know that process and doesn’t give me the annoyance that OB gives me. Yeah 2 be honest I am not going to buy a ERM multiclock just for my DT and DN.

That thing is expensive as hell haha. I experience the same thing now with the Squarp Pyramid. I like sequencing Ableton from the Squarp. But then I don’t use the clock as that is jittery like a maniac. It says 128 to 132 with a clock of 130. But I would like to record the midi into Ableton from the Squarp so I have it there. But there is latency aswell when I turn the clock on. So that is annoying aswell. I don’t know how to compensate it to be honest.

Buy a multiclock like erm, usamo, acme, whatever. I‘ll help you out and save your time!

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I’ve never wanted a MIDI multiclock before reading your comment! I too have tried and failed to sync Overbridge (DT) with my Live sets, and it is a bummer. I mean I get it nearly there but knowing it’s not ABSOLUTELY dead-on irritates me. You can hear it when you have the DT metronome and Live metronome going at the same time. The Expert Sleepers Usamo is surprisingly cheap as well, I may pick one up soon to give it a try.

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It’s very simple. All you need to do is monitor using different tracks.

Don’t monitor the ones you’re recording, that will add latency to the recording.

Try both, you’ll see the difference.

This method gives me 0ms latency without pissing around with delay compensation (or anything else) which is a world of pain.

Yes I know this works when recording from outside the DAW. But when sequencing internally from the Digitakt and recording multitrack through OB this trick won’t work. It still gives me like 59 ms.

overbridge is designed to basically be plug and play.
it should all be in sync out of the box, you must have wrong settings in your daw…
you cant eliminate latency completely its part of making music, but you can sync everything

I will make a YT video one day, so I dont have to explain it every time…
it is possible to sync everything perfectly without buying a multiclock

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That would be appreciated. But I didn’t do anything about settings 2 be honest. I just installed OB plugged the DT in and yes it start the sequencer and play back sounds. But it has a latency of 60 ms at minimum. CPU is at 5%. Delay compensation is on. If I turn it of there is no difference. So I am curious where it goes wrong.

EDIT: it looks like when I press play in Ableton the start on the DT is delayed by 60 ms. Because when I sequence the DT from Ableton I can get 0 latency. It is just when using the sequencer of the DT and send it to 8 different audio tracks.

Could you elaborate a bit so I could go further? Thnx in advance.

are you on windows or mac? what sound card are you using? is it an asio driver?
make sure the sample rate is set to the correct setting for your soundcard

in ableton link/midi make sure to turn off sync on the DT
and turn off clock receive, transport receive on the device.
it is all taken care of by overbridge, you might be sending regular midi clock by mistake…

you said delay compensation in options does nothing? it should do something
make sure that it is on and reduced latency when monitoring also…
abletons delay compensation should take care of the latency,
but in return it makes you midi keyboard a bit slower and have latency when playing notes

let me know if any of that helps… how are you listen to the audio directly from the plugin?

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