How to get M:C send specific MIDI CC's?


I will use the M:C as Master / Sequencer to control other synths via midi, for example the Microfreak.

I get them connected well via midi and the microfreak plays also the notes sequenced from m:c.

But how i can control microfreaks different Midi CCs and do Program Changes?
For example the midi cc number for Filter Cutoff on Microfreak is CC23,
how i can control and this specific CC Number on the Model:Cycles?
And how much different CCs can the M:C handle at one pattern?

And how/where i get/set a program change? For example i will get the Microfreak play Preset 49? (Yes, i also set the Encoders to I+E)

Sorry, but last night and today i’d searched the whole forum, manual and web, but can’t find anything where to change and set the Midi CCs on the Model Cycles to control other machines.
I set all midi settings (checked MOut, Encs I&E etc) like written here and in the manual, and can sequence the notes on other synths, but i don’t get it, where and how to change/set Midi CC Numbers and Programm Changes :((

Thank you for your help! It would be great to get this run, because i love my Model:Cycles, and this would make it more wonderful!

Stay save and have nice holidays! :slight_smile:

you can’t change or sequence the CC assignments, you can only transmit fixed assignment CC messages when you are twisting the encoders

this will never change - you really want a dedicated MIDI sequencer alternative for this task


It’s possible on the Digitakt, Digitone, Octatrack and also Machinedrum and Monomachine. (Analog Keys can send CC with its midi control mode, no sequencing, though).

Model:Samples and Model:Cycles can only transmit their own parameters over midi cc.

You could use a midi processor to remap the cc# if you really wanted to (q pretty cumbersome workaround), but then it would still not be possible to p-lock values, only turning a knob will send the cc.


Thanks a lot, good to know!
I thought i had read somewhere this and Program Changes where possible with the M:C.
I also have the other machines to do this, but at the moment the Cycles is often the instrument of my choice.

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